Saturday, June 1, 2013

6 months.. 26 weeks.. 183 days.. 4383 hours.. 262,974 minutes..

Noell is 6 months..
             26 weeks..
             183 days..
             4383 hours..
             262,974 minutes..

Time really does fly.  I always knew that expression, but I swear time goes much faster when you have a baby.  It feels like you wait and wait and wait to finally meet your precious babe, and the minute they come out time cannot go slow enough.

Our little girl has grown sooooo much in the last month.  She has hit so many milestones this month, we can't even believe it ourselves.

Days after Noell turned five months, she discovered her toes and started sucking on them immediately.  She will suck them laying on the floor, laying on her changing table, sitting in her carseat, laying in the bath, sitting in my lap...anywhere and everywhere!

When Noell was 51/2 months old we had let her suck on a pickle, carrot, and a cooked broccoli stick.  She was showing lots and lots of signs that she was ready to start eating.  I had wanted to wait until six months, because breastfed babies don't "need" to eat solids until that age.  Well, I just couldn't wait anymore and decided to start feeding her some food.  We started with some mashed bananas which she wasn't sure what to think right away and made many funny faces.  We then gave her some rice cereal which she likes.  We gave her a little peanut butter as well.  New studies are showing that earlier exposure to high allergenic foods help babies have a lesser chance of developing that allergy.  Now I know this isn't going to be true for all babies, but so far so good.  We just give her a very little bit at each feeding.  Not sure what our next food will be to try with the cereal, but I am excited to be making the food for our little sweetie!!!  She is also starting to drink a small amount of water out of a sippy cup with her food....she is learning fast!

Noell has always had long hair...but it just keeps a growin!  It hangs down in her face over her eyes and it drives momma crazy...not sure it really bothers her at this point.  So, I FINALLY got pony tails for her and we tried a couple new hair styles.  She hates it when I am putting them in (probably because she has to sit still) but once they are in she is just fine!

Pebbles style from The Flintstones!
The BIGGEST milestone is that Noell is on the move....scootin' that is.  She started a couple weeks ago and cannot be stopped...get out of her way, world!  She has started getting her legs under her butt and then tries to move forward but topples over...only a matter of weeks I'm sure until she is "crawling."  She is also sitting up by herself.  She leans way forward but is now able to push herself back up so her back is a little more straight.  She does tend to fall over if she leans to the we have to build those muscles.  (I was going to post a video...but takes too here is a picture of her sitting).

Noell has also started to recognize her name.  If you say her name, she will turn and look at wonderful!  She has also started reaching out to people that she wants...usually mommy!!!  I have been working with her and trying to get her to say momma....but no luck thus far.  When she had cried a couple times it sounds like mom....b/c she says the mmmm I will take that for now.  She will probably say dadda first since those sounds are easier for little ones to say.

One more thing about Noell and then I'm promise I am done!!  I grew up loving storms and I want my children to not necessarily love them, but I definitely don't want them to be afraid of them.  So, yesterday when the severe thunderstorm hit the Whitehall area, she was taking an evening snooze on my chest.  She eventually woke up and started looking out the window at the rain and lightning (and she could hear the thunder since I still had a couple windows open).  When she would look out the window she would make the cutest OOOHHHH, OOOHHHH, OOOHHH and purse her lips like it was really cool.  Then she would turn her head the other direction, look out that window and do the same thing.  So we got up and stood by a window and it started to hail, so I set her down and went and got my car in the garage.  I left the garage door open, went and got her and Katie and we watched some of the storm from there.  She was smiling the whole time and making that cute noise....Katie on the other hands was a little nervous!  So, so far so good on getting Noell to like storms!!!

Well on the homefront, Mike has our garden started.  He is planting some veggies for us....we are hoping they turn out so we can enjoy them and use them to make some of Noell's food.  This is our first year growing a garden so everything is trial and error at this time.  We do have rhubarb growing from past years...I just don't know how to tell if its ready or what to do with it??  I know you use it to make sweets, but I wouldn't know the first thing to do to prep it.  We also have some raspberry bushes...I'm excited for those!

Mike is enjoying his job and it is going very well being full time there.  It is also nice to have him home every is now weird to imagine that it used to be just Noell and I most nights.

As for me, I am officially done with my 4K kiddos for the year.  It went by really fast.  The last three days we had them for full days instead of the half days to get all of our hours did that make me tired!  After those three days were done, I had a hard time waking up the next morning!  It was a wonderful year.  I am used to switching jobs at the end of the school year, so I am looking forward to teaching 4K again in Pigeon.  It will be nice to see my students from this year again next its been the first time that when I say goodbye to my munchkins that it is only for the summer!  I might even work with some of my 4K kids next year in Title!  I still have my title 1 kids for a few more days next week before they move to Sunset and become big 1st graders!  One more week....and then it is me and Noell all summer long!!!!!

These past few weeks with all of the graduations going on has got me thinking.... I have been out of high school for 7 years now....which doesn't make me feel old but what does make me feel old is the fact that I am closer to 30 than I am 18 (the age I was when I graduated).  The fact that I graduated from college 3 1/2 years ago and the fact that I am ending my third year of teaching makes me feel old.  So, I know in the realm of everything being 25 is not old....but I am not getting any younger that makes me feel old!  Although I am feeling old for whatever reason, I am also feeling very blessed.  I have a wonderful husband who does laundry, cleans the kitchen floor, grows a garden, plays on the floor with our little peanut and is very involved in all of her growing and milestones, and he loves me!  I have a healthy, beautiful baby girl who has just taken over my whole heart.  It has been fun to watch her grow thus far, and I am excited to see how she continues to grow, learn, and show her personality. 

Have a great weekend everyone!!!!

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