Sunday, May 19, 2013

You know you're a mom when.....

I was watching home alone the other night and it has been years since I have seen it.  At the end of the movie I started crying when the mom and son were reunited....and I was thinking to myself, "Good know you are a mom when you cry from the movie, Home Alone."  So then it got me thinking about my next blog...

You know you're a mom when....

  • You cry at the end of Home Alone.
  • You pull the car over in a random place to nurse your child.
  • You nurse in public even though said you would never do that.
  • When you give up something you love, and for me it was all dairy, so you can continue to nurse your child and give them the best nutrition.
  • You eat cereal for breakfast, lunch, and supper because it is easy to make and fast to eat.
  • You would rather stay at home on a Friday AND Saturday night to spend time with your child than go out and party.
  • You wake up in the middle of the night to pump for a bottle the next day or to save a bottle to your stash even though your baby sleeps through the night.
  • You rock and snuggle your baby even if they have been sleeping for 45minute just so you can hold them while you can.
  • You take a million pictures of every little cute thing your child does and every milestone they reach.
  • You have to wash your face in the middle of the night because your child farted while changing the diaper and there was more than just air that came out.
  • A 5 minute hot shower feels like a mini vacation.
  • You have mastered making supper, cutting up food, and eating all while holding the baby in the other arm.
  • You have to change your clothes as you were getting ready to walk out the door to work because you realize you have spit up all over your shirt.
  • You can identify your child's cry versus others' without looking even if you were in a room full of babies.
  • You kiss your baby all the time because you know that one day you cannot.
  • You notice yourself rocking back and forth even when you aren't holding the baby.
  • Getting up at 5:30/6:00am on Saturday and Sunday mornings is the new normal and you are okay with it.
  • You put everything else aside to play with your child.
  • You care for that little cutie for than anything else in the whole entire world!!!
Now, I know I have only been a mom for six months and so there will be many more of these that I can add through the years, but I think I have a good start to my list!

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