Saturday, June 8, 2013

A Piece of Family History

As long as I can remember there was this red car that sat under a cover in Grandma and Grandpa Risberg's garage.  I could always see the tires and a little of the red paint under that cover.  I knew it was something special...something important...and something really cool.  It was until I was older that I came to find out that it was a Mustang.  A 1965 Mustang to be exact.  I never got to ride in it while I was younger and it was barely ever taken out.

When it got closer to my wedding day, we decided we should have a fun "get away" car for after the ceremony.  That's when the mustang came up.  My Grandpa had suffered from MS for the majority of his life and so when he had a stroke in April of 2009 his life changed significantly.  He was living in the Whitehall nursing home and we weren't sure if he would make it to the wedding, so we thought this would be one way to have him there in spirit, and a way to look back at that day and remember him.  Fortunately, he was strong enough that day to make it to the wedding and see his Mustang all ready for his granddaughter to use which makes looking back on that day an even better memory.

Since my grandpa passed in March of last year, the topic of what should be done with the car was discussed a lot.  The final decision is to sell.  As a buyer is looking at it today, we decided it would be wonderful to take a photo of how far our little family has come since our wedding day almost two years ago and to take it for one final spin down our road.  While driving the Mustang on this beautiful morning, I was thinking about how my Grandpa Quinn was in that car sitting next to us with the sun shining down, the wind blowing our hair, and smile on all of our faces.  It was a moment that I will treasure my whole life, and that I can share the importance of this moment along with many others to Noell about her Great-Grandpa!

In loving memory of my Grandpa Quinn!

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