Friday, June 14, 2013

Mike's First Father's Day and more!

Well on Sunday it will be Mike's first father's day.  Noell and I have been busy getting his awesome gift ready!  We did some art work (painting of the hands and feet) this morning.  It went MUCH BETTER than I thought it was going to.  It was fun to get all messy...and then she got to enjoy a bubble bath.  When I was wrapping the gift later in the day, she was right there to help.  The wrapping paper was shiny with lots of different colors and it made a neat sound when she would grab it.  We couldn't wait until Sunday to give him this he got it a little early but that's okay...he will still get the rest on Sunday!

Noell helping daddy open the present.

He LOVES it!

Reading the poems!

As for honoring Mike on his special day...I have all good things to reflect and say.  He was been an awesome father from day one.  He changes diapers, lays on the floor to play and read with Noell, feeds her, makes her special baby food, watches her when mom plays volleyball and does yoga, talks with her, carries her around the house when he is cooking or whatever, gives her baths, helps keep her smiling during mama's silly monthly photo shoots, helps get things for me when I am nursing, does her laundry and even folds the clothes (and lets me put them away...which is a good thing since I have it organized a certain way) name it...he does it (well except breastfeed of course....haha.  Just this morning I asked if he would pump for me...I guess that isn't happen' either).  I usually sing to Noell in the morning when I get her from the crib

"Good morning to you,
  Good morning to you,
  Good morning beautiful Noell,
  Good morning to you."

And if Mike was the one that would be waking her up in the morning he would carry her to me so I could still sing to her.  BUT on Tuesday morning of this week, he got her up and sang her the song himself!!!  AWE...melts my heart!

I hands down have the most amazing husband who also is the best dad to our daughter.  I imagined what he would be like when she arrived and he has exceeded any of my dreams of the father he would be.  I am going to add in there that I always knew he would be a great father...and he is better than great; I meant that in all positives (for all of you Negative Nancy's out there who thought I meant that comment negative)!!!  So, thank you Michael are simply the best :)

Here is what the poems read from the gift pictures above:

Walk With Me, Daddy
By:  Helen Bush

Walk along side me, Daddy
And hold my little hand.
I have so many things to learn
That I don’t yet understand.

Teach me things to keep me safe
From dangers everyday.
Show me how to do my best
At home, at school, at play.

Every child needs a gentle hand
To guide them as they grow.
So walk along side me, Daddy
We have a long way to go.

My Daddy's Hand
Daddy, take my hand in yours and you will plainly see,
How very much I need you now to love and care for me.
As my little hand grows, I will need you even more,
Everything I do in life, I have never done before.
Teach me to be kind and loving, sharing and forgiving,
Show me through your acts of love the pure joy of living.
The years will pass by quickly and one day I will be grown,
I will pass what you have taught me onto children of my own.
Hold me always in your thoughts and remember when we are apart,
The special love between a child and a daddy's heart

I'm also going to do a tribute to my parents.

Here is to my dad who was a great father to Chad and I!  He has helped me in more ways than I even know.  I can't thank him enough for all that he has done and still does for me.  Love you, dad!

My mom is awesome.  She is my rock and my best friend (besides my husband).  She is a strong woman who has taught me a lot.  Since I didn't post anything on Mother's day, I thought I would honor her now! Love you, Mom!

 Have a great weekend, everyone!!!

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