Sunday, November 4, 2012

Week 35

Only 5 more to go!!!

Doctor's Appointment:  We had a doctor's appointment on this past Wednesday.  I am measuring a little over 33 cm which is 2 cm small.  My midwife was a little concerned, but I have been small since 28 weeks, but have been consistently growing a cm a week.  She also said when she feels the baby, that she feels like a decent size.  If I don't grow a good amount by our next appointment, they will do an ultrasound just to make sure baby girl is okay.  She has been moving around just fine, so my midwife thinks that everything is fine.  And it was confirmed that Baby G is head down!

Below are my 35 week photos.  I decided to take one of my actual belly this week because I just realized I don't have any, and I think it will be a good memory!!!

Birth Classes:  On Saturday we had a birthing class.  Since I am doing my hypnobabies home study, there wasn't anything "new" that I haven't read or learned about already.  It was nice to have an instructor and to hear about how Luther does things versus just my work books and cds.  We also got to tour the labor and delivery floor along with the post partum rooms.  On Tuesday, I have a breast feeding class!

Hypnobabies:  I am just so excited for my daughter's birth.  I have been reading others' stories to hear their hypnobabies experiences and it is such a positive support for me!  If you have time and are interested in reading a few of other people's stories, please check out this site I have below this paragraph.  I can't wait to share a similar birth story :)  I cannot thank our friends enough that used this for their birth and introduced this to us!!!  Just an fyi if you do choose to read some here are some of the terms that are used:

Pressure Waves = contractions

Pressure= Is typically meant as pain.  You will learn that it doesn't feel like pain, it feels like pressure.

Birthing Time= Labor

Baby Girl Update:  There isn't much room in the womb so she is getting a little snug.  She is about the size of a honeydew melon which is about equivalent to around 18 inches and 5 1/2 pounds.  Her kidneys are fully developed and her liver can process most waste.

Nursery:  Here are some pictures of the nursery!!!  All we need is our little girl :)

View from doorway.

All of her books and stuffed animals.

Changing Table/Dresser/Hamper!  The saying above says, "Sometimes the littlest things take up the most room in  your heart!"

Crib and glider!  Her name will go above her crib...will post picture of that after she arrives!

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