Saturday, November 24, 2012

38 Weeks!!!!

Less than 2 weeks to go....hopefully!!!

Lets start with Baby G.  We had our doctor's appointment on Wednesday (day before Thanksgiving) and my mom came with me since Mike couldn't.  I hadn't felt our little peanut move for a good day and a half and so I was a little nervous.  Of course I was telling my mom this as we were sitting in the waiting room and she pushed on my stomach and our little monkey decided to move for grandma...go figure!!!  Even through we FINALLY felt her move, my midwife hooked me up to the fetal monitor for about 30min to monitor our baby's heart rate and movement.  Everything looked and sounded good :)  She is moving more again but not as much...I'm guessing it is because she is getting a little cramped in there considering she is the size of a PUMPKIN!!!  No wonder why I am so darn uncomfortable.  I cannot wait to be able to bend over, stand after sitting, see my toes and other body parts that I haven't for a good month, and so much hold my baby girl!  Any how, if our little girl doesn't come by next week, we have our next doctor's appointment on Wednesday!

Here is my 38 week photos.  I thought I would take another picture of bare belly cause it looks so much different and I want my little girl to see these beautiful love marks called stretch marks that she has left on my tummy!

We had maternity pictures taken by Kaylyn Halama yesterday.  It had been super nice for a week, and of course the day we had scheduled there was a drastic change in the weather... it was 20 degrees and the the wind was blowing like crazy!  Here are some pictures that she has posted on Facebook so far.  We love them and cannot wait to see the rest!  Also if you click on her name, there is a link to her Facebook page where you can check out her other photos that she has done for other people!  She is out of Independence, Wi.

On the day that I was 38 weeks exactly was Thanksgiving.  I wasn't feeling the greatest, but I still got up early to go hunting!  I am so glad I did because I shot a decent 8 pointer!  I was about ready to quit for the morning, when a buck and three doe started running through the woods.  The buck stopped broadside about 20 yards to my left and I knew it wasn't anything huge (both of my other bucks that I have gotten are much bigger) but it was an opportunity and shot I didn't want to pass up AND if you hunt, sometimes you have to make super quick decisions!  So, I took a shot and I could tell I hit him because he jolted back.  Then he started running right towards me, and so I tried to reload my gun, but it jammed so I couldn't get another shot.  After I figured out my gun, I got up to see if there was any blood.  I saw a few speckles, so I started tracking.  I never saw any big spots so I got a little nervous that it wasn't a good hit.  I got to the top of the hill  and out of the woods to an open road/trail (15 yards) and the blood trail continue down the hill on the other side of the road.  I saw some branches move, and there was his body laying there...about 30 yards down the hill.  It was a beautiful shot right to the should have seen that heart= mangled...all the blood was inside the deer which explains the small blood trail.  Any how, enough with the are some pictures!

Here are FINALLY before and after pictures of our house!  We decorated and cleaned for Christmas so what better time to take the after pictures :)  Enjoy!

We put in new flooring (wood linoleum)  and painted.

We put in new carpet, painted the walls and ceilings.
We took out the wood panels that were on the walls, painted, put in new carpet.

We painted, put in new flooring, took out the wall in-between the kitchen and dining room and made an island counter and bought new appliances.

We painted and put new flooring in.  We also put in a new back door.
New carpet and painted!

New carpet and painted.

New Carpet and painted.

Sorry, I was really into photo collaging and getting these pictures I made one of all of my pictures of my doggy, Katie :)

And last picture...I promise!  It is my little cousin Eva and I the day after she was born :)  I said I would post the picture when I got here it is!!!

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