Monday, November 19, 2012


Well as of today I am 37 1/2 weeks which means that Baby G is considered a FULL TERM baby and could really come any day!  This mamma has been super busy the past week so here are some updates with some fun pictures!

Last week we had parent/teacher conferences and they went well.  Although they went well, I am glad they are done and I was able to enjoy hunting and a wedding this past weekend and Thanksgiving this week!  Yes, I did say hunting.  I don't sit in a tree stand...I am an old fashion type a girl that sits on the ground.  Thank goodness it was warm this past weekend, because sitting for a few hours was very uncomfortable, so being warm made it more bearable.  Thank you to my parents who gave me a ride to the woods, so I only had to walk into the woods and get to my stand (tree I sit against).  I did see a lot of doe but none worth shooting on opening weekend...that is what this coming week/weekend is for!  The only two bucks that I saw both only had one side of their rack...weird coincidence???  Some of you may wonder why I still went out hunting even though my lower back was just killing me...well I haven't missed opening day/weekend since I started hunting at the age of 12, and I wasn't about to miss it this year if I didn't have to!  Below is a picture of a good family friend and I the Friday night before hunting...we were comparing whose belly is bigger....I think even with a baby in mine he still

This past Saturday was busy...I went out  hunting opening morning but wouldn't have missed my good friend Katie's wedding, so I drove to Tomah to see her say I Do!  She was a beautiful bride, she married a good man, and her wedding was perfect!!  Congrats Katie and Randy!

Since my hubby was also hunting and I didn't want to attend the wedding alone just in case I would go into labor, my good friend Krista went with me!  It was so great to see her 3rd grade classroom (she teaches in Tomah) and catch up!  Thank God for good friends like Krista :)

Now on to BABY G!!!

Like I said she is considered full term.  I had a doctor's appointment last Wednesday and she is head down and my midwife is guessing she is around 6-61/2 pounds!!  We got to hear her heartbeat again and it sounds good and strong.  I also had the Strep B test done, and am waiting for those results (I am assuming it came back negative since I haven't received a phone call).  I will find out for sure at my next appointment this coming Wednesday.

Oh, and did I mention that after my appointment that I got to meet my newest little cousin, Eva Marie.  She is soooo precious!  I don't have a picture of her with me on my phone, so I don't have one to post on here...but I will when I see the one from Danielle's camera.  Congrats Michels family...your daughters are perfect!!!

Since we know that our little girl has hair from her last ultrasound, Mike and I have been talking about what color it will be since he is bleach blonde and I have brown hair.  When I think of our peanut I always picture her with dark hair like her mommy (so does Mike) so I think it will be interesting to see when she finally arrives!

Here are pictures from 37 weeks (Thursday, November 15).

I thought this was a funny picture to add.  I have a hard time sitting up on the is so much more comfortable to lean back which means my belly makes a great table!!!

Since I only have a two day work week, I have some fun plans!  On Wednesday I am going to go spend some more time with Little Miss Eva, her big sister, Stella, and their beautiful Momma, Danielle. After that I am getting a pedicure thanks to my wonderful volleyball girls who got me a certificate to get one done at Bravo excited to finally be putting it to use!!!  My mom plans on going to my doctor's appointment with me and then it is Kelly and Mike time Wednesday night.  Then it is family time for the rest of the weekend!

I am so thankful for many things and here are just a few...

  1. My amazing husband, who does so much for me and our growing family.
  2. My wonderful family who has never stopped supporting me.
  3. My awesome friends who I've created strong bonds with over the years and I can count on for anything.
  4. My cute little dog, Katie who is my snuggle buddy and keeps me company when Mike is at work.
  5. My growing baby girl who will change my world for the better.
  6. My house that keeps me safe and warm and a place I love to call home.
  7. My job that allows me to work with some great people and amazing kids who are full of energy and enthusiasm.
  8. All the wonderful food that I have indulged in over the past nine months and will be this coming Thursday.
  9. All of the past, present, and future veterans that have served for our country and have given us and continue to give us freedom.
  10. And most importantly I am SO THANKFUL FOR MY LORD AND SAVIOR who has given me all of these things that I can be thankful for each and every day.
I hope that you all enjoy Thanksgiving with your family and friends!

The last picture I am going to post is one that a friend of mine that is pregnant as well posted...and I think it is just so perfect!  

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