Sunday, November 11, 2012

36 1/2 Weeks

36 1/2 Weeks (was 36 weeks on Thursday)

Well its getting closer and closer and this momma is getting more uncomfortable each day.  This little girl is causing a lot of pressure in my lower back, and getting a good nights sleep= yeah right!  We are so ready and so excited to meet our daughter.  It is hard to believe that she is considered full term in just a matter of we're ready whenever she is!

I went to my breastfeeding class last Tuesday and it was very helpful.  Ever since I was little, I always knew I was going to breastfeed....its never been a question that I have had to ponder.  The benefits for our baby and myself are just amazing.  God has created my body to give my little girl exactly what she needs for each stage of her growth.  I am so excited to begin that bonding experience with my little girl :)  We have our next doctor appointment on Wednesday where I have the Strep B test and we go over our birth plan, and of course hear our baby's heartbeat!  

Baby Giedd at 36 weeks:  Not much new.  She is still gaining about an ounce a day, which puts her around 6-6 1/4 lbs.  She is losing the hair/downy that covers her body as well as the waxy substance which she swallows and will become part of her first bowel movement.  Our little girl had a little lull in movement at the end of last week, but she is back to her normal self this week...kicking and moving and kicking and punching, and hiccuping, and moving, and kicking, get the idea.  It is so fun to watch and feel although these movements can occasionally cause a little discomfort since they are strong!  I am just so excited to hold her in my arms, but will definitely be weird not to be pregnant anymore.

Here is my belly bump taken today (36 weeks and 4 days--front and side view).

Below is a picture of Kayla and I at her baby shower.  It was taken a couple weeks ago.  Of course the only picture I got on my phone we both have silly facial expressions.  Our little girls are going to be a month or so apart, and will be great friends :)

I finally got into nesting mode a little bit this weekend.  I finally cleaned and organized some of our house that was in desperate need of it.  We had bought three new doors for our house since all of the exterior doors were hallow wood (not very good for a Wisconsin winter), so Mike got the last of the three installed this weekend.  He also added insulation on the wall in-between the garage and the basement so that should help hold in some heat as well.  It is slowly but surely getting to where we want it to be...for a while anyway.  I don't think you ever feel like your house is complete once you finally own your own.  

Well, I think that is all for updates this week.  I just want to end with this note...because I cannot believe just how blessed I am.  I have been given a great life that is filled with a wonderful family, an amazing husband, and great friends.  Thank you God for your constant love, thank you past and present veterans for our freedom, and thank you everyone for being such a special part of our lives.  Have a great week everyone and here is a little note I found on Pinterest just in case you aren't feeling so blessed at the moment...

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