Friday, October 26, 2012

Week 33 and 34

Well, it is hard to believe that we only have 6 MORE WEEKS!!! 

How Momma is Doing:  I find myself super tired and starting to feel super uncomfortable.  The place that I currently sleep the best is on the couch.  I will do my hypnobabies relaxation practice I will sleep on the couch until Mike gets home either at 11:30pm or 1:30am depending on what time he works till.  Then I will finally force myself to bed (where I am having a hard time sleeping)....I guess I could kick my hubby and the dog out so I had more  I am currently having problems with leg cramps in my hamstrings, and a hard time bending over to tie shoes, put on socks, to pick something up, etc.  I have also experienced some braxton hicks contractions.  They are nothing too painful at this point...just a little reminder that Baby G is coming soon :)  As for stretch marks, I didn't get any more new ones yet, but the few that I have are getting bigger.  At least they are on the very bottom of my belly so not to noticeable ....even to me!!!  

When we had our 3D and 4D ultrasound a couple of weeks ago Baby G was head down.  When we had our doctor's appointment last week my midwife thought she was breech still.  I guess we will see what next week's appointment will bring.  I have kicks higher so I think she is head down...lets hope so :)

The next two pictures are for weeks 33 and 34 and I just noticed that I have on Christmas colors!  Although we have a ways to go, I am getting excited for Christmas, especially since I am getting the BEST Christmas present ever this year!  I have already completed a lot of my Christmas shopping so I don't have to worry about it when our little girl gets here!

Here is my 33 week baby bump!
Here is my 34 week bump!

 Below are some pictures from one of my besties,  Erin's, wedding that I was in last weekend!  Such a great wedding and what wonderful weather for such a great was perfect!

Our growing family :)  Love this picture of us!

The new Mrs. Bahr and I :)
Stout glad to have met such great friends in college!
Baby Room Update:  We have everything ready to go.  I just ordered the valences, hamper, and mobile that go with her bedding so I am excited to get that up and ready.  I also am buying the letters for her name this weekend along with some paint (but for those of you who are wanting to won't be hung up until she arrives).  I also ordered a thirty-one bag with her name on it for her room to hold some of her is so cute and I cannot wait until she is here so I can post it for everyone to see.

Baby Girl Update:  She is about 18-20inches long (depending on what source you look at) and is between 4 3/4 - 5 lbs.  Her lungs and central nervous system are continuing to mature.  Good news is that if she would decide to come now she would most like develop just as fine as a full term baby.  She would possibly have to stay in the NICU for a little while and might have some minor set all depends on the baby I guess.  Lets just pray that she cooks for at least 3 more weeks until she is considered full term.  The says that she is urinating about one pint per day...good thing we have lots of diapers ready to go :)

Baby Clothes:  Thanks to my good friend, Krista who found us a GREAT deal, we have a bunch of 0-3 months of clothes!  

Birthing Classes:  We have our birth basics class next Saturday where we get a tour of the birthing center!  I am so excited that I will be able to actually visual where I will be giving birth to my little peanut!  I am also taking a breast feeding class the following week!  I think I will feel even more prepared for this little girl to enter the world once I complete these classes!

Thanks for your continued support everyone :)  God Bless!

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