Wednesday, July 25, 2012

21 Weeks!!!

Ultrasound Update!!!

Well, its a ........................................SURPRISE!  (At least until our baby shower in September!)  Baby G is a very healthy baby; growing just like it should be!  It was neat to see the heart beating, seeing all four chambers of the heart, the brain, the fingers, toes, all the bones in the legs and arms, the right amount of fluid, placenta in a good place, ahh...a mother's dream!  Although it was great to see our little peanut again, he/she decided to be a little bit stubborn.  It had its hand in the way, and was moving it's hand in a waving motion almost like saying, "haha, you cannot tell if I am a boy or girl."  The ultrasound tech worked on it for a while and is about 96% sure she knows what it is!  So the big surprise is in an envelop just waiting to be revealed!  Mike said it must be a girl since it was being stubborn, and I disagreed thinking it must be a boy...I guess that just means that both boys and girls/men and women are stubborn :)  Check out the most recent photos of Baby G Below!

                                      Below is my 21 week photo (a day early)!

Baby this week:  Is about 12 oz!  Only 4 more to go until we reach 1lb!!!  The baby is also about 10 1/2 inches long (about the length of a carrot).

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