Thursday, August 9, 2012

Weeks 22 and 23

I missed last week due to being very busy!  My good friend Erin had her wedding shower and bachelorette party, so that took priority over the blog as I was busy running around getting the final preparations done!

There has been a lot that has happened in the last couple weeks...we celebrated Mike's 28th birthday and he got a very amazing gift from Baby G!  The baby is going to be his little "Badger Fan Buddy!"

Last week we also celebrated our 1st anniversary!  We haven't eaten our frozen cake yet...we are waiting until we are in our own home to do that!  BUT I did make a pinterest inspired gift for Mike...52 reasons why I love you. now onto baby!  Here is the 22 week picture!

And here is this week's picture!

This week the baby has been moving SOOOOOO much!  Soon-to-be, Grandma Rachel, got to feel the baby move while watching the Olympics on Tuesday night!  Then last night while I was lying on the couch the baby had to have been doing flips or dancing because you could actually see my belly moving!  I cannot even put into words how incredible that feeling is :)

The baby this week:  Is over a pound and is a foot long (not a $5 footlong...there is no price on this little miracle)!!!  The baby can sense my movement, so we could get up and dance together....but instead of dancing we have been doing quite a bit of packing and volleyball!  Blood vessels are forming in his/her lungs to help prepare for breathing.  Cannot believe how fast our little peanut is growing!  See the link below to check out what the baby looks like in the womb this week :)

Before I leave to finish packing for Bill and Mike to start moving all of our stuff out of Wausau, I wanted to thank those of you who sent me messages telling me about your natural childbirths!  I appreciate your words or wisdom and support :)

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