Thursday, August 16, 2012

Week 24

24 weeks down...16 to go!  Holy cow time is will be December before we know it :)

Not a whole lot of updates this week...but first and foremost lets talk baby!  Remember last week when I said Baby G was moving a ton and I could actually see him/her move under my shirt...well, we moved all of our stuff last week Thursday from Wausau to Whitehall and after that move I hadn't felt the baby move for FOUR DAYS (talk about a drastic change from just days before).  Well needless to say it scared the crap out of me and I was stressing about it each day.  So I finally called the maternity nurses and they said it is very normal but had me come in anyway to hear the heartbeat.  So, I went in on Monday and the heartbeat was strong as ever!!  Thank the Lord!  I think all that moving around on my part made the baby cozy up and enjoyed being lazy for a few days.  But life in the womb was back to normal this week with all the movement going on :)  I think for right now, I will take all that movement...I absolutely LOVE it.  We have our next doctor appointment this coming Monday, so I will get to hear that strong heartbeat again!

The baby this past week was very hungry for oranges and puppy chow.  I would say it is a random combination but both tasted SO good :)

One other thing I thought I would just share...Everyone that I talk to wonders how I haven't peeked in the envelop to see if Baby G is a boy or girl...well folks, let me tell you...  I don't want to know what Baby G is until delivery and Mike wants to we compromised (our marriage is working well!!).  Therefore I have no desire to peek before the shower when we find out.  I am going to be SOOOO happy either way because so far Baby G is as healthy as can be and if continues to stay that way, then my prayers are answered!  AND I don't have the envelop good friends that are planning the shower now have sole possession of it :)

As for what the baby is doing this week...It is about the size of an ear of corn.  It is kind of weird to think about since I just ate corn on the cob the other night!  The baby's skin is still pretty see through at this point, but is starting to pack on the ounces and will continue to plump up to be healthy for delivery! 

Here is baby bump picture for 24 weeks....

As for me...I am busy getting my classrooms ready (both 4k and title) is hard to believe that in-service for teachers starts in about 10 days and school will be soon after!!!  I am very excited to start this new teaching adventure and meet all my new kiddos!  I am also excited for Mike as he starts his LAST year of school at CVTC (woot woot).  It is going to be a busy time for the Giedd family but we are excited for all of our adventures and we definitely enjoy and appreciate all of the support from our family and friends!  I thank the Lord every night for all that He has blessed us with and for all the wonderful people in our lives :)

P.S.  Sorry, I guess I had more updates than I thought :)

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