Thursday, July 12, 2012

Week 19

WOW!  What a week.  So many new updates!

Last Friday we had a doctors appointment and it went well.  We got to hear Baby G's heartbeat again and its going steady at 155.  While at the doctor, I was telling my midwife that I have been feeling better and haven't gotten sick in a couple weeks.  I got back out to my car and started driving, and right after turning out of the parking lot, I quickly grabbed the target bag in my car and you can guess the rest.  I can say that driving in downtown Eau Claire while being sick is not the easiest thing to do...guess I won't be telling people that I haven't been sick, it will just jinx me :(

I have been feeling the baby move more often and it is such a great feeling...words could never explain how amazing it really is to have a human being growing inside of you!!!

                                                         Below is my 19 week photo!
 Baby G this week:  They say babies can most likely starting hearing around this time, so he/she will be able to hear conversations (especially mommy's voice), music, etc.  The baby is about 8.5 oz (halfway to 1lb) and about 6in long!  This is a crucial time for sensory development:  smell, taste, touch, hearing, and vision.

This week I have been doing A LOT of thinking!  I'm excited one minute when I watch something about babies, or see pictures of friends' babies and I think of all the great things that a child brings into this world and how blessed Mike and my life will be.  Not only am I excited to cuddle them as a baby, but I'm excited to celebrate when they roll over, walk, loose their first tooth, watch them play t-ball, getting ready for prom, etc.  Then on the other hand I start worrying...will my child be bullied?  Will I be able to afford to send my kid to a volleyball camp in high school?  College?  Will my child learn and use the morals we instill (not sure if that is the correct word to use) in them?  And the list could go on and on...I guess that maternal instinct is already sinking in and all these mixed emotions will probably last until the day that I die.

On a more lighter note, I was pleasantly surprised today!  I thought I was going out for wings with some great ladies that I have worked with over the last year before I move back home...but when I walked in I saw the decorations, presents, and all the smiley faces!!!  Of course I started tearing up, because I honestly had NO IDEA!!!  Great job girls!  

Here are the lovely ladies that put this together for me!

Here is the cute cake that was made...delicious too!

Here are all the wonderful gifts that I received!  Baby G is so blessed already :)

Thank you again girls for everything.  Also thank you for the great year of working with you.  I will miss you all :)

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