Friday, December 7, 2012

Introducing our Gift from God!!!

With love Mike and I announce the birth of our daughter, 
Noell Barbara!

November 26, 2012
6lbs 10oz     19 1/2 in long

Noell's Birth Story

I know that I talked a lot about my hypnobabies and was very excited for the birth and birth story of our little girl.  Now, my labor and delivery didn't go exactly as planned, but it is still the most beautiful story and the end result of the most perfect and healthy little girl that any parent could ever ask for.

It all started on Sunday, November 25.  I had decided to go to church and so I called my Grandma Carol to see if she wanted to go with me so I didn't have to go alone.  While in church I started to feel some contractions in my lower back (had never felt contractions like this before).  It was fun when people were asking me when my due date was, and thinking to myself that it possibly could be today.  Once I got home from church, I timed a few of these contractions (not believing there were real at this point).  My contractions (pressure waves) were about 7 min apart pretty consistently.  At this point I called my mom because some of my aunts and cousins were supposed to go to a movie and I had to decide if I should still go or not.  Since I still thought that these were "not the real thing" I decided to still go to the movie.  The pressure waves continued about every 7 minutes through the ride to and from Eau Claire and throughout the whole movie.  Side note:  We saw Perfect Pitch and it was a GREAT movie...I would recommend seeing it.  Anyway, back to the story...
Once I got home, I decided to take a little nap before the Packers played Sunday night football.  I didn't really sleep but was able to rest for about 45 minutes.  I got up to go to the bathroom, and as I was washing my hands afterwards, I had that feeling that I was peeing my pants...which I knew right away that my water had broke.  I was very excited because I FINALLY knew that this is all real and that I would soon be holding my baby girl in my arms.  I called the after hours to get a hole of the midwife on call.  Annie was the midwife and so after talking to her, we decided that I would stay at home a little while until my pressure waves were stronger and closer together.  After I chatted with her, I called Mike at work (in Eau Claire...50min away) and told him that my water broke.  We decided to have him leave work, and we would leave for the hospital sometime after he got home.

While Mike was on his way home, I baked some brownies to bring for the nurses, finished putting some finishing touches on things for my long-term sub, and finished packing our bags for the hospital.  By the time Mike got home my pressure waves were definitely stronger and closer together...about 4minutes.  We left our house around 8:30pm.  This was our last picture before leaving...

  On our way to the hospital, we stopped at my parents to drop Katie off as well as my binders for my parents to drop off at school the next morning.  Then we were soon on our way!  While in the car, I was listening to one of my hypnosis cds while Mike listened to the Packers play like crap (good thing I didn't have to watch that game).

We got to the hospital around 9:30pm.  They hooked me up to the monitors for 1/2 an hour and baby's heart rate was good.  After that and like a million questions, my midwife checked me to see how far I was...I was only dilated to 1/2 cm (which is pretty much nothing) and 80% effaced.  This was sad since I had pressure waves since 10am...already 12 hours.  After all of that, I got into the tub for about 2 1/2-3 hours.  While I was in the tub, I listened to another hypnosis cd on my Ipod, until I switched positions (and forgot it was sitting behind me) and the Ipod fell right into the tub...wonderful :P  After the tub I tried a few other positions to see what worked best for this back labor.  During all of this I was working on my hpynosis techniques (visioning my safe place with my baby, breathing, telling my cervix to dilate/open, etc.  Around 3:00am, I was in a lot of pain...I cannot even explain how bad back labor hurts.  By this time, every hypnosis that I had worked on for the past five months went right out the window.  I was yelling and gripping the side of the bed.  The midwife checked to see how far I had come and I was heartbroken when I was only at 4cm and 100% effaced.  We tried a temporary pain relief that only worked for about 10 min.  My pressure waves were going a little like this...

2min pressure wave
2min break
2min pressure wave
2min pressure wave
2min break

So there were times where I was having two pressure waves back to back lasting a total of 4min.  I finally asked for the epidural (my midwife never brought it up to me and Mike even said, Kelly this is not what you want, etc...they were all supportive to my birth plan).  But, yes, I did get an epidural.  At first there wasn't enough anesthesia, so the doc came back and added a little more.  I was able to rest for a few hours (Mike slept a little).  During this time, I had 6 contractions back to back (which I didn't feel) but little Noell felt and her heart rate dropped tremendously which was scarey, but after a little break in the action her heart rate went right back up where it was supposed to be.  Around 6:00ish I was starting to feel lots of pressure.  My midwife came to check to see how far I was and she could see our little girls head...well actually all of her hair.  So everyone got everything ready and it was finally baby time.  I started pushing with the coaching of my midwife and the mirror as a visual to see my daughter's birth.  I only had to push for 10 minutes and our daughter was born at 6:38am.  It was amazing to be able to push and see the progress I was making with each push.  I think the best feeling and sight was after her head was out, the last final push for her body.  It is truly amazing and incredible.  I cannot even put into words everything I was feeling and experiencing, but it something I will never forget.  It is the best miracle and gift from God I could ever ask for.

**Side note.  Once her head came out, the umbilical cord was wrapped around her head once, so the midwife quickly unwrapped it.

Once she was born the suctioned her nose and mouth and immediately put her on my stomach (the would have put her on my chest but the cord was too short to reach that far.  Mike originally didn't want to cut the cord, but he did end up doing it anyways!  I got to hold my baby girl while my midwife worked on me.  Here are a few pictures of that wonderful experience!

About an 1 1/2 hour or so after birth, a successful first breastfeeding, and cleaning and measuring Noell, my anesthesia had already worn off, so I was able to shower and get cleaned up myself.  We were then on our way to our postpartum room.

Like I said before, the birth didn't go exactly according to my plan, and many of you may laugh or think "I told ya so," but I would not change how one thing went that night.  It was perfect and I am so unbelievably happy.

Here is our first official family photo:

We went home on Wednesday, November 28.  Here are some getting ready to go home photos:


Our first family of four photo.

Okay, well this is it for tonight.  I have been working on this off and on since about 5pm and it is now 11:55 (baby Noell's needs come first)!!!

I hope to work on her first week at home updates the rest of this weekend so please stay tuned!!!

I hope all of you are beginning to get into the holiday spirit.  And just remember what you are thankful for and the true meaning of Christmas during this busy time of year!  May God bless your lives as much as he has blessed mine!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

38 Weeks!!!!

Less than 2 weeks to go....hopefully!!!

Lets start with Baby G.  We had our doctor's appointment on Wednesday (day before Thanksgiving) and my mom came with me since Mike couldn't.  I hadn't felt our little peanut move for a good day and a half and so I was a little nervous.  Of course I was telling my mom this as we were sitting in the waiting room and she pushed on my stomach and our little monkey decided to move for grandma...go figure!!!  Even through we FINALLY felt her move, my midwife hooked me up to the fetal monitor for about 30min to monitor our baby's heart rate and movement.  Everything looked and sounded good :)  She is moving more again but not as much...I'm guessing it is because she is getting a little cramped in there considering she is the size of a PUMPKIN!!!  No wonder why I am so darn uncomfortable.  I cannot wait to be able to bend over, stand after sitting, see my toes and other body parts that I haven't for a good month, and so much hold my baby girl!  Any how, if our little girl doesn't come by next week, we have our next doctor's appointment on Wednesday!

Here is my 38 week photos.  I thought I would take another picture of bare belly cause it looks so much different and I want my little girl to see these beautiful love marks called stretch marks that she has left on my tummy!

We had maternity pictures taken by Kaylyn Halama yesterday.  It had been super nice for a week, and of course the day we had scheduled there was a drastic change in the weather... it was 20 degrees and the the wind was blowing like crazy!  Here are some pictures that she has posted on Facebook so far.  We love them and cannot wait to see the rest!  Also if you click on her name, there is a link to her Facebook page where you can check out her other photos that she has done for other people!  She is out of Independence, Wi.

On the day that I was 38 weeks exactly was Thanksgiving.  I wasn't feeling the greatest, but I still got up early to go hunting!  I am so glad I did because I shot a decent 8 pointer!  I was about ready to quit for the morning, when a buck and three doe started running through the woods.  The buck stopped broadside about 20 yards to my left and I knew it wasn't anything huge (both of my other bucks that I have gotten are much bigger) but it was an opportunity and shot I didn't want to pass up AND if you hunt, sometimes you have to make super quick decisions!  So, I took a shot and I could tell I hit him because he jolted back.  Then he started running right towards me, and so I tried to reload my gun, but it jammed so I couldn't get another shot.  After I figured out my gun, I got up to see if there was any blood.  I saw a few speckles, so I started tracking.  I never saw any big spots so I got a little nervous that it wasn't a good hit.  I got to the top of the hill  and out of the woods to an open road/trail (15 yards) and the blood trail continue down the hill on the other side of the road.  I saw some branches move, and there was his body laying there...about 30 yards down the hill.  It was a beautiful shot right to the should have seen that heart= mangled...all the blood was inside the deer which explains the small blood trail.  Any how, enough with the are some pictures!

Here are FINALLY before and after pictures of our house!  We decorated and cleaned for Christmas so what better time to take the after pictures :)  Enjoy!

We put in new flooring (wood linoleum)  and painted.

We put in new carpet, painted the walls and ceilings.
We took out the wood panels that were on the walls, painted, put in new carpet.

We painted, put in new flooring, took out the wall in-between the kitchen and dining room and made an island counter and bought new appliances.

We painted and put new flooring in.  We also put in a new back door.
New carpet and painted!

New carpet and painted.

New Carpet and painted.

Sorry, I was really into photo collaging and getting these pictures I made one of all of my pictures of my doggy, Katie :)

And last picture...I promise!  It is my little cousin Eva and I the day after she was born :)  I said I would post the picture when I got here it is!!!

Monday, November 19, 2012


Well as of today I am 37 1/2 weeks which means that Baby G is considered a FULL TERM baby and could really come any day!  This mamma has been super busy the past week so here are some updates with some fun pictures!

Last week we had parent/teacher conferences and they went well.  Although they went well, I am glad they are done and I was able to enjoy hunting and a wedding this past weekend and Thanksgiving this week!  Yes, I did say hunting.  I don't sit in a tree stand...I am an old fashion type a girl that sits on the ground.  Thank goodness it was warm this past weekend, because sitting for a few hours was very uncomfortable, so being warm made it more bearable.  Thank you to my parents who gave me a ride to the woods, so I only had to walk into the woods and get to my stand (tree I sit against).  I did see a lot of doe but none worth shooting on opening weekend...that is what this coming week/weekend is for!  The only two bucks that I saw both only had one side of their rack...weird coincidence???  Some of you may wonder why I still went out hunting even though my lower back was just killing me...well I haven't missed opening day/weekend since I started hunting at the age of 12, and I wasn't about to miss it this year if I didn't have to!  Below is a picture of a good family friend and I the Friday night before hunting...we were comparing whose belly is bigger....I think even with a baby in mine he still

This past Saturday was busy...I went out  hunting opening morning but wouldn't have missed my good friend Katie's wedding, so I drove to Tomah to see her say I Do!  She was a beautiful bride, she married a good man, and her wedding was perfect!!  Congrats Katie and Randy!

Since my hubby was also hunting and I didn't want to attend the wedding alone just in case I would go into labor, my good friend Krista went with me!  It was so great to see her 3rd grade classroom (she teaches in Tomah) and catch up!  Thank God for good friends like Krista :)

Now on to BABY G!!!

Like I said she is considered full term.  I had a doctor's appointment last Wednesday and she is head down and my midwife is guessing she is around 6-61/2 pounds!!  We got to hear her heartbeat again and it sounds good and strong.  I also had the Strep B test done, and am waiting for those results (I am assuming it came back negative since I haven't received a phone call).  I will find out for sure at my next appointment this coming Wednesday.

Oh, and did I mention that after my appointment that I got to meet my newest little cousin, Eva Marie.  She is soooo precious!  I don't have a picture of her with me on my phone, so I don't have one to post on here...but I will when I see the one from Danielle's camera.  Congrats Michels family...your daughters are perfect!!!

Since we know that our little girl has hair from her last ultrasound, Mike and I have been talking about what color it will be since he is bleach blonde and I have brown hair.  When I think of our peanut I always picture her with dark hair like her mommy (so does Mike) so I think it will be interesting to see when she finally arrives!

Here are pictures from 37 weeks (Thursday, November 15).

I thought this was a funny picture to add.  I have a hard time sitting up on the is so much more comfortable to lean back which means my belly makes a great table!!!

Since I only have a two day work week, I have some fun plans!  On Wednesday I am going to go spend some more time with Little Miss Eva, her big sister, Stella, and their beautiful Momma, Danielle. After that I am getting a pedicure thanks to my wonderful volleyball girls who got me a certificate to get one done at Bravo excited to finally be putting it to use!!!  My mom plans on going to my doctor's appointment with me and then it is Kelly and Mike time Wednesday night.  Then it is family time for the rest of the weekend!

I am so thankful for many things and here are just a few...

  1. My amazing husband, who does so much for me and our growing family.
  2. My wonderful family who has never stopped supporting me.
  3. My awesome friends who I've created strong bonds with over the years and I can count on for anything.
  4. My cute little dog, Katie who is my snuggle buddy and keeps me company when Mike is at work.
  5. My growing baby girl who will change my world for the better.
  6. My house that keeps me safe and warm and a place I love to call home.
  7. My job that allows me to work with some great people and amazing kids who are full of energy and enthusiasm.
  8. All the wonderful food that I have indulged in over the past nine months and will be this coming Thursday.
  9. All of the past, present, and future veterans that have served for our country and have given us and continue to give us freedom.
  10. And most importantly I am SO THANKFUL FOR MY LORD AND SAVIOR who has given me all of these things that I can be thankful for each and every day.
I hope that you all enjoy Thanksgiving with your family and friends!

The last picture I am going to post is one that a friend of mine that is pregnant as well posted...and I think it is just so perfect!  

Sunday, November 11, 2012

36 1/2 Weeks

36 1/2 Weeks (was 36 weeks on Thursday)

Well its getting closer and closer and this momma is getting more uncomfortable each day.  This little girl is causing a lot of pressure in my lower back, and getting a good nights sleep= yeah right!  We are so ready and so excited to meet our daughter.  It is hard to believe that she is considered full term in just a matter of we're ready whenever she is!

I went to my breastfeeding class last Tuesday and it was very helpful.  Ever since I was little, I always knew I was going to breastfeed....its never been a question that I have had to ponder.  The benefits for our baby and myself are just amazing.  God has created my body to give my little girl exactly what she needs for each stage of her growth.  I am so excited to begin that bonding experience with my little girl :)  We have our next doctor appointment on Wednesday where I have the Strep B test and we go over our birth plan, and of course hear our baby's heartbeat!  

Baby Giedd at 36 weeks:  Not much new.  She is still gaining about an ounce a day, which puts her around 6-6 1/4 lbs.  She is losing the hair/downy that covers her body as well as the waxy substance which she swallows and will become part of her first bowel movement.  Our little girl had a little lull in movement at the end of last week, but she is back to her normal self this week...kicking and moving and kicking and punching, and hiccuping, and moving, and kicking, get the idea.  It is so fun to watch and feel although these movements can occasionally cause a little discomfort since they are strong!  I am just so excited to hold her in my arms, but will definitely be weird not to be pregnant anymore.

Here is my belly bump taken today (36 weeks and 4 days--front and side view).

Below is a picture of Kayla and I at her baby shower.  It was taken a couple weeks ago.  Of course the only picture I got on my phone we both have silly facial expressions.  Our little girls are going to be a month or so apart, and will be great friends :)

I finally got into nesting mode a little bit this weekend.  I finally cleaned and organized some of our house that was in desperate need of it.  We had bought three new doors for our house since all of the exterior doors were hallow wood (not very good for a Wisconsin winter), so Mike got the last of the three installed this weekend.  He also added insulation on the wall in-between the garage and the basement so that should help hold in some heat as well.  It is slowly but surely getting to where we want it to be...for a while anyway.  I don't think you ever feel like your house is complete once you finally own your own.  

Well, I think that is all for updates this week.  I just want to end with this note...because I cannot believe just how blessed I am.  I have been given a great life that is filled with a wonderful family, an amazing husband, and great friends.  Thank you God for your constant love, thank you past and present veterans for our freedom, and thank you everyone for being such a special part of our lives.  Have a great week everyone and here is a little note I found on Pinterest just in case you aren't feeling so blessed at the moment...

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Week 35

Only 5 more to go!!!

Doctor's Appointment:  We had a doctor's appointment on this past Wednesday.  I am measuring a little over 33 cm which is 2 cm small.  My midwife was a little concerned, but I have been small since 28 weeks, but have been consistently growing a cm a week.  She also said when she feels the baby, that she feels like a decent size.  If I don't grow a good amount by our next appointment, they will do an ultrasound just to make sure baby girl is okay.  She has been moving around just fine, so my midwife thinks that everything is fine.  And it was confirmed that Baby G is head down!

Below are my 35 week photos.  I decided to take one of my actual belly this week because I just realized I don't have any, and I think it will be a good memory!!!

Birth Classes:  On Saturday we had a birthing class.  Since I am doing my hypnobabies home study, there wasn't anything "new" that I haven't read or learned about already.  It was nice to have an instructor and to hear about how Luther does things versus just my work books and cds.  We also got to tour the labor and delivery floor along with the post partum rooms.  On Tuesday, I have a breast feeding class!

Hypnobabies:  I am just so excited for my daughter's birth.  I have been reading others' stories to hear their hypnobabies experiences and it is such a positive support for me!  If you have time and are interested in reading a few of other people's stories, please check out this site I have below this paragraph.  I can't wait to share a similar birth story :)  I cannot thank our friends enough that used this for their birth and introduced this to us!!!  Just an fyi if you do choose to read some here are some of the terms that are used:

Pressure Waves = contractions

Pressure= Is typically meant as pain.  You will learn that it doesn't feel like pain, it feels like pressure.

Birthing Time= Labor

Baby Girl Update:  There isn't much room in the womb so she is getting a little snug.  She is about the size of a honeydew melon which is about equivalent to around 18 inches and 5 1/2 pounds.  Her kidneys are fully developed and her liver can process most waste.

Nursery:  Here are some pictures of the nursery!!!  All we need is our little girl :)

View from doorway.

All of her books and stuffed animals.

Changing Table/Dresser/Hamper!  The saying above says, "Sometimes the littlest things take up the most room in  your heart!"

Crib and glider!  Her name will go above her crib...will post picture of that after she arrives!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Week 33 and 34

Well, it is hard to believe that we only have 6 MORE WEEKS!!! 

How Momma is Doing:  I find myself super tired and starting to feel super uncomfortable.  The place that I currently sleep the best is on the couch.  I will do my hypnobabies relaxation practice I will sleep on the couch until Mike gets home either at 11:30pm or 1:30am depending on what time he works till.  Then I will finally force myself to bed (where I am having a hard time sleeping)....I guess I could kick my hubby and the dog out so I had more  I am currently having problems with leg cramps in my hamstrings, and a hard time bending over to tie shoes, put on socks, to pick something up, etc.  I have also experienced some braxton hicks contractions.  They are nothing too painful at this point...just a little reminder that Baby G is coming soon :)  As for stretch marks, I didn't get any more new ones yet, but the few that I have are getting bigger.  At least they are on the very bottom of my belly so not to noticeable ....even to me!!!  

When we had our 3D and 4D ultrasound a couple of weeks ago Baby G was head down.  When we had our doctor's appointment last week my midwife thought she was breech still.  I guess we will see what next week's appointment will bring.  I have kicks higher so I think she is head down...lets hope so :)

The next two pictures are for weeks 33 and 34 and I just noticed that I have on Christmas colors!  Although we have a ways to go, I am getting excited for Christmas, especially since I am getting the BEST Christmas present ever this year!  I have already completed a lot of my Christmas shopping so I don't have to worry about it when our little girl gets here!

Here is my 33 week baby bump!
Here is my 34 week bump!

 Below are some pictures from one of my besties,  Erin's, wedding that I was in last weekend!  Such a great wedding and what wonderful weather for such a great was perfect!

Our growing family :)  Love this picture of us!

The new Mrs. Bahr and I :)
Stout glad to have met such great friends in college!
Baby Room Update:  We have everything ready to go.  I just ordered the valences, hamper, and mobile that go with her bedding so I am excited to get that up and ready.  I also am buying the letters for her name this weekend along with some paint (but for those of you who are wanting to won't be hung up until she arrives).  I also ordered a thirty-one bag with her name on it for her room to hold some of her is so cute and I cannot wait until she is here so I can post it for everyone to see.

Baby Girl Update:  She is about 18-20inches long (depending on what source you look at) and is between 4 3/4 - 5 lbs.  Her lungs and central nervous system are continuing to mature.  Good news is that if she would decide to come now she would most like develop just as fine as a full term baby.  She would possibly have to stay in the NICU for a little while and might have some minor set all depends on the baby I guess.  Lets just pray that she cooks for at least 3 more weeks until she is considered full term.  The says that she is urinating about one pint per day...good thing we have lots of diapers ready to go :)

Baby Clothes:  Thanks to my good friend, Krista who found us a GREAT deal, we have a bunch of 0-3 months of clothes!  

Birthing Classes:  We have our birth basics class next Saturday where we get a tour of the birthing center!  I am so excited that I will be able to actually visual where I will be giving birth to my little peanut!  I am also taking a breast feeding class the following week!  I think I will feel even more prepared for this little girl to enter the world once I complete these classes!

Thanks for your continued support everyone :)  God Bless!