Wednesday, July 25, 2012

21 Weeks!!!

Ultrasound Update!!!

Well, its a ........................................SURPRISE!  (At least until our baby shower in September!)  Baby G is a very healthy baby; growing just like it should be!  It was neat to see the heart beating, seeing all four chambers of the heart, the brain, the fingers, toes, all the bones in the legs and arms, the right amount of fluid, placenta in a good place, ahh...a mother's dream!  Although it was great to see our little peanut again, he/she decided to be a little bit stubborn.  It had its hand in the way, and was moving it's hand in a waving motion almost like saying, "haha, you cannot tell if I am a boy or girl."  The ultrasound tech worked on it for a while and is about 96% sure she knows what it is!  So the big surprise is in an envelop just waiting to be revealed!  Mike said it must be a girl since it was being stubborn, and I disagreed thinking it must be a boy...I guess that just means that both boys and girls/men and women are stubborn :)  Check out the most recent photos of Baby G Below!

                                      Below is my 21 week photo (a day early)!

Baby this week:  Is about 12 oz!  Only 4 more to go until we reach 1lb!!!  The baby is also about 10 1/2 inches long (about the length of a carrot).

Thursday, July 19, 2012

20 WEEKS!!!

                   HALFWAY THERE!!!!!!

It is hard to believe that we are at 20 weeks already.  It seemed like it took forever at the beginning to get to the next week but now time is just cruising by.

Baby this week:  The baby is about 6 1/2 inches long and about 10oz which is about the size of a banana.  The baby is working on swallowing by swallowing amniotic fluid and it is working on producing meconium which will accumulate into its first bowl movement (which hopefully is after the birth).

One exciting thing that happened this week (actually last night) is that Mike got to feel the baby.  I always have him put his hand on my belly when I feel the baby move just in case.  Well last night, it was really doing some crazy acrobatics so I had him put his hand there and tell me if he felt anything.  We were watching TV and he turned his head (after a bigger movement) and said I think I felt something...and I said yep it just moved big time.  He asked me, "Are you sure it wasn't that your stomach just spasmed?"  I said, "No, babe...that's the baby!"  So out of about 20 movements, he only felt two...but it was still an amazing experience for both of us :)

                                              Here is my 20 week picture!

So, I have ALWAYS wanted to deliver naturally (no epidural, or any other pain relievers, etc) which is why we are going with a midwife.  When talking to people who have had children, I get a little nervous about being able to handle the pain.  Then I have talked to a couple people who have given birth without the epidural and I get some confidence back.  I went to the Eau Claire Public Library yesterday while it was raining to check out some books on natural childbirth.  I got one, The Complete Idiot's Guide to Natural Childbirth, and I have already gained so much more confidence in being able to do it.  I was also recommended a book and class called Hypnobirthing which really focuses on your breathing while pregnant and through all stages of labor.  I think the biggest thing that I have learned is that if you have fear of the unknown (which I do because I have never given birth before) that it is important to learn the unknown (which I am currently doing).  I have learned that being focused on the natural stages your body takes in childbirth and going with those stages whether its walking, using a ball, squatting, using a tub, etc, all of those can help move the birthing process along more quickly then being scared, fearful, or getting pain relievers which cause you to stay in a lying down position...which can prolong labor.  The other thing I have learned is that if you focus on your breathing and what your body needs you to be doing, you are able to relax better in-between contractions instead of just focusing on the pain which makes the pain even worse.  I'm not degrading those who have used an epidural at all, I'm just learning all of these things for my own benefit and confidence in creating an exciting and enjoyable birth story!  SO, if anyone is interested in sharing your own natural birth story, I would love to hear about it whether you post a comment below or email me ( or facebook message, or whatever!


We have our 20 week ultrasound on Monday!  We are very excited to see Baby G again.  I cannot believe it has been 9 weeks since we have seen our little peanut on the screen.  We are praying that all goes well and the doctor tells us that everything looks good and healthy!  

We will have the ultrasound tech put what the gender is into an envelop and seal it up and send it to my friends that are planning our baby shower.  They will be the only ones that know what Baby G is until the shower/diaper party which is SEPTEMBER 22 (mark it in your calendars)!  They will then decorate the church basement to whatever our little one is... so either in blue or in pink.  Mike and I will greet the guests at the door where you will decide if you think that baby is a boy or girl and put it into a container.  You will then head to the basement to find out!  After all the guests have arrived, then Mike and I will head to the basement and find out with all of you what our peanut is!  After we eat any of the men can head to our new house (still being finalized) to drink some beer and play some games.  After some girly "baby" games and presents any women can head over as well for the rest of the evening/night.  We will have a campfire later and anyone that needs or would like to stay will be more than welcome.  In order to get a cup for the keg, you will need to bring a package of diapers or wipes for Baby G.

We are currently registered at Target and Kohls!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Week 19

WOW!  What a week.  So many new updates!

Last Friday we had a doctors appointment and it went well.  We got to hear Baby G's heartbeat again and its going steady at 155.  While at the doctor, I was telling my midwife that I have been feeling better and haven't gotten sick in a couple weeks.  I got back out to my car and started driving, and right after turning out of the parking lot, I quickly grabbed the target bag in my car and you can guess the rest.  I can say that driving in downtown Eau Claire while being sick is not the easiest thing to do...guess I won't be telling people that I haven't been sick, it will just jinx me :(

I have been feeling the baby move more often and it is such a great feeling...words could never explain how amazing it really is to have a human being growing inside of you!!!

                                                         Below is my 19 week photo!
 Baby G this week:  They say babies can most likely starting hearing around this time, so he/she will be able to hear conversations (especially mommy's voice), music, etc.  The baby is about 8.5 oz (halfway to 1lb) and about 6in long!  This is a crucial time for sensory development:  smell, taste, touch, hearing, and vision.

This week I have been doing A LOT of thinking!  I'm excited one minute when I watch something about babies, or see pictures of friends' babies and I think of all the great things that a child brings into this world and how blessed Mike and my life will be.  Not only am I excited to cuddle them as a baby, but I'm excited to celebrate when they roll over, walk, loose their first tooth, watch them play t-ball, getting ready for prom, etc.  Then on the other hand I start worrying...will my child be bullied?  Will I be able to afford to send my kid to a volleyball camp in high school?  College?  Will my child learn and use the morals we instill (not sure if that is the correct word to use) in them?  And the list could go on and on...I guess that maternal instinct is already sinking in and all these mixed emotions will probably last until the day that I die.

On a more lighter note, I was pleasantly surprised today!  I thought I was going out for wings with some great ladies that I have worked with over the last year before I move back home...but when I walked in I saw the decorations, presents, and all the smiley faces!!!  Of course I started tearing up, because I honestly had NO IDEA!!!  Great job girls!  

Here are the lovely ladies that put this together for me!

Here is the cute cake that was made...delicious too!

Here are all the wonderful gifts that I received!  Baby G is so blessed already :)

Thank you again girls for everything.  Also thank you for the great year of working with you.  I will miss you all :)

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Week 18

                                                                       WEEK 18

The Baby This Week:  I officially felt Baby G move.  It was incredible!  I cannot wait until I feel him or her move more regularly.  So excited to hear the heartbeat again tomorrow at our appointment.  The baby is the length of a bell pepper which is about 5 1/2 inches long and the weight/size of a sweet potato at about 7 oz.  

Well it has definitely been hot this week.  I am thankful for air conditioning, lakes and rivers to help keep me cool.  One thing I truly have missed this summer is a nice cold Summer, what I would give for one of those!  I have been satisfied as I can be with smelling the drink and imagining what it tastes

This week also provided a big reality check for Mike and I on how much money we actually have and how much we SHOULDN'T be spending.  We created a budget...and there are no ways around it...WE HAVE TO STICK TO IT!  I feel confident that we will do well and stay on track to hopefully cause less stress financially when Baby G comes and I guess it is time that we grow up a little ;)

I decided late last week that I was sick of my long hair.  So today I had my wonderful cousin, Jamie at JCPenny's in Eau Claire, cut it off.  Something new for the rest of the summer...and maybe I will actually do something with it!!!