Sunday, September 28, 2014

The Home Stretch!!

LESS THAN A MONTH!!!!  It is hard to believe that I am almost to the end of my second pregnancy and so close to holding G2 in my arms instead of my belly!  I am feeling huge and more and more uncomfortable each day.  By Friday night my ankles are swollen and usually last until Sunday morning.

Last Doctor Appointment:  Last Wednesday, I had my 36 week appointment.  We went over our birth plan so that is all set!  We are going for a natural birth again this time and I feel more confident in myself that I will make it :)  I also had the Strep B test done, but haven't gotten results back yet...I should find out tomorrow since I have another appointment...I am going weekly now!  The baby sounded great.  His/her heartbeat was in the 150s and sounded strong.

Baby Pool:  I set up an online baby pool...check it out and make your guesses on gender and birth date, etc of G2!  It is free...just fun to see what others think :)

Here is the site:

Baby G2:  I feel like this baby is bigger than Noell...the movements are very strong and sometimes hurt!  Either it seems that way or I just don't remember in that great detail from my first pregnancy.  I feel like baby has dropped, and it makes sense because I am going to the bathroom ALL.THE.TIME.

35 Weeks- September 19, 2014
Baby is the size of Honeydew Melon
18 inches long and 5 1/4 pounds
Kidneys are fully developed and liver can process some waste.

36 Weeks- September 26, 2014
Baby is the size of a head of romaine lettuce
18 1/2 inches and 6 pounds
G2 is shedding downy hair covering and vernix caseosa...he/she will swallow it and that will become the first poop: meconium.
We put up the baby's crib (well moved from Noell's room) this summer.  Today, we finally brought up the swing, car seat and bases, and the bassinet.  Noell likes to help by playing with daddy's tools!

My bestie, Krista, gave birth to her beautiful baby BOY, Owen James, last week.  I was so happy to snuggle him this past Friday and relax with the new momma and daddy!  Krista was a rockstar and has an amazing birth story!  Here is a picture of me with my new *nephew* and the next time I see him, I will have two friends for him to play with...Noell and G2!

Noell Updates:

New Words:  boy, girl, up high, clock up high, pumpkin, deer, sky and more.

Favorites:  NOELL LOES THE PARK!  Every time we get ready to go in the car, she says park!  So, we have been making lots of trips to the park :)

Noell the Builder:  Noell has become quite the builder with her blocks!  She likes to create, move around, and of course demolish her buildings!

Sickness:  Noell came down with her first ear infection last week.  She was given amoxicillin and about after a week of being on that she broke out in a rash all over her body.  Turns out she is allergic :(  But the rash should clear up within the next week.

I'm going to try and update weekly...since I have no idea how many more weeks until G2 makes his/her arrival :)

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