Friday, January 16, 2015

How Lucky am I?


As I turned out the light in my oldest daughter's (two years old) room after tucking her in bed, I heard those sweet words, "I love you, mommy" and lucky am I?

Minutes later, as I sat and held my youngest daughter (3 months old) tonight after she fell asleep in my arms, I was reminded how sweet a sleeping child peaceful, so innocent, so breathtaking beautiful that it makes your heart skip a beat...and I thought to lucky am I?

These two moments I will never get back.  Sure Noell will say, "I love you, Mommy" again and Ruby will fall asleep in my arms, but those exact moments are now memories.  Memories that will stay in my heart forever.  How lucky am I?  How lucky am I that I get these memories!!!

Children are sweet angels that are sent from God.  How lucky am I that He sent me two beautiful daughters.  Two daughters that are completely dependent on love them, to hug and kiss them, to snuggle them when they are sick, to show them compassion, to show them empathy, to guide them daily, to teach and model manners, to give them shelter, to provide them with food and clothes, to read them stories, to help them learn, to let them get messy with paint, mud, dirt, sand, to have a free spirit to sing and dance, to be silly, to show a love for nature and all of God's creation, to guide them to know the difference between right and wrong, to believe in them, to listen to them, to encourage, to discipline, to create meaningful traditions, to show and model compassion and determination, teach them how to give, how to be a friend, how to share, let them make mistakes, help them learn from mistakes....GOD trusts me to do all of these things for my daughters.  How lucky am I?

They call me mommy.  They come to me for help (or cry).  They smile at me.  They hug and kiss me.  They get excited when I enter a room.  They watch me to see my response, how I act, how I carry myself.  They listen to me talk.  They listen to me sing.  Heck, they even listen to me yell sometimes.  They let me act like a kid.  They let me act like an adult.  They love me back.  How lucky am I?

Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow....I feel pretty darn LUKCY!!!  

I posted this picture when I was pregnant with Noell...but how fitting for how I'm feeling....very blessed to be called someone's Mommy!!!

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