Sunday, September 14, 2014

Just Another Day In Paradise

And five weeks later ;)  Life is busy.  Life is stressful.  Life is crazy.  BUT I wouldn't have it any other way or with anyone is perfect!

This post is going to be short...I'm tired.  I'm tired.  I'm tired.

Disclaimer: please don't mind the grammatical errors...I'm not reading through!!!

Noell Updates:

New Words (the ones I can think of right now anyway):

  • boat
  • fly
  • hippo
  • horsie
  • Pete (from Mickey Mouse)
  • cloud
  • park
  • lollipop (will sing the song with me and attempts to do the "pop" with her finger)

New Phrases:

  • she is finally saying "love you" again!  
  • She is also saying two-three word phrases!  
  • It is so fun to watch her think and trying saying different phrases!  Pretty soon she will be talking in sentences!
  • how to count to 10 (skips seven...can't say that number)
  • all letters of the alphabet
  • can say all letter expect w (will just say uh huh)
  • attempts to sing ABC's
  • some of her colors....finally!
  • where her neck is...its the one we have been working on!  I think knee will be next!
  • To climb!
  • doing the slides backwards (climbing up the slide and going down the steps)
  • her stroller/walks
  • Mickey Mouse (still)
  • glow sticks
  • flowers...smelling flowers
  • fruit snacks, cheese, cookies
  • Noell is officially back to Aunt Liza's everyday!  The routine is great on all of us :)  Grandma Rachel has been getting to spend lots of time with Noell and even picks her up from Liza's somedays!  I think they both enjoy it lots!
I love watching her grow and learn new things...but I always think of the song Never Grow Up by Taylor Swift (dislike her but love the song)....I don't want her to grow up.  She is at such a fun, loving stage.  I'm trying to take it all in before time passes by.  I have been so busy with school and volleyball that I don't always get to see her at night so the past two Fridays she we have snuggle time and watch a video in mom and dad's bed and then she gets to sleep with me.  The only downside is that she wakes up earlier on Saturday mornings when she isn't in her own bed.  Anyway, I'm glad that I can take in the moments, because they do go by too quickly.

G2 Updates:

Last Doctor's Appointment:  Monday, September 8.  The baby's heart rate was in the 140s which is the lowest it has ever been consistently (it has fluctuated in the 160/150/140 but has never stayed in the 140).  Baby is head down...woot woot!

Next Appointment:  Wednesday, September 24.  Will go over birth plan and have strep b test done.  Our birth plan is pretty similar to our first birth plan.  I am going with natural childbirth again and am very excited about it.  We met with our doula a couple weeks ago to go over the birth plan with her and I am very happy that we are going this route.  I feel very confident that the birth will go well and that I will have the unmedicated birth that I want with the guidance of Rhonda!

I am getting very anxious to know what G2 is!  At first I was thinking boy, but now that I am getting closer, I just feel like it is going to be another girl.  Of course I will be happy with either as long as he/she is healthy...that is most important!!!

Names....Mike has his favorites and I have mine....and they are not the same!  We don't dislike the other's fav, but we haven't completely agreed.  So, I think we will be headed to the hospital with two boy and two girl names and G2 will let us know what his/her name should be!

I missed the 30 week we begin again at 31 weeks!
31 Weeks- August 22, 2014
Size of a coconut- 3 1/3 lbs and about 16 in longs
Can turn head from side to side.

32 Weeks- August 29, 2014
size of a jicama (what the hell is that??)- 3 3/4 lbs and almost 17 in long
Baby has toenails, finger nails, and possible hair.

33 Weeks- September 5, 2014
Size of Pineapple- over 4lbs and 17in mark
Baby is losing wrinkled/alien look and the skeleton is hardening.

34 Weeks- September 12, 2014
Size of a cantaloup- 4 3/4 lbs and almost 18 in long
The fat layers are filling him/her out to help regulate body temperature when they arrive.
Central nervous system is maturing.

Similarities/differences in pregnancies:

  • Had nausea with both.  Threw up more with Noell...not as much with G2 (just a couple times)
  • Felt them move around the same time.
  • Have gained more weight with G2 than with Noell, but I started with a lower weight.
  • No heartburn with Noell and she had tons of hair....I have heartburn with G2.
  • Could only sleep on right side with Noell throughout whole pregnancy.  Could start sleeping on left side (still not as long or as comfortable as right side) around 27 weeks, but not prior (too much pain).
  • Had acne on chest with Noell only during first trimester.  Had acne on face with G2 for all of first and most of second trimester.
  • No swelling (well one time with each but wasn't much).
  • Cravings are the same... a good mix of sweet and salty.
  • I feel like G2 has stronger movements...hopefully it isn't a sign that he/she is bigger...I am okay with delivering another 6 lb baby!
  • Was always measuring two weeks behind with Noell and am measuring right on with G2.

Kelly and Krista Pregnancy Journey
Krista Due:  October 7
Kelly Due:  October 24

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