Saturday, August 9, 2014

Moving Right Along

Here I am....another four weeks has already past...I better do an update!

Noell.  We sure do have a smart little girl on our hands.  First shapes and now numbers and letters!!!  We do a lot of reading and some of Noell's favorite books are numbers and letters.  She also has a couple apps on the IPad, my phone, and my mom's phone where she will just sit and go over numbers and letters again and again!  We also do a lot of counting on our fingers, so the girl is definitely exposed to it all, but it is so fun to see her make the connection and be able to verbalize her knowledge at such a young age!

Last week at my friend Krista's baby shower was when she outputted the knowledge for the first time with her numbers.  There were huge blocks that had the different numbers in the basement of the church and she just started naming them to Mike.  So this week, I wrote down different numbers, and used our large magnetic letters in the kitchen and she is able to tell me most of them, but can identify all of them through 9.  (Numbers she can verbalize: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 / Numbers she can point to identify: 1-9)

As for letters, she has been able to tell us O and E for a while.  She picked up on the letter C and S when I had our "Cosco" step stool in the kitchen for cleaning and she kept pointing at those letters.  She picked up on the B and T with the foam bath letters in the bathtub.  A and M....I have no idea...she just knows them :) (Letters she can verbalize: a, b, c, e, m, p, s, t / Letters she can point to identify in addition to the ones she can verbalize: n, h, j, k, l)

New Words/sign language:  

  • clock (sounds more like cock as she has a hard time getting the L sound in there...but at least she points to the clocks when she says it :)  
  • She also signs "please" in her own way.  Please is with one hand in a circular motion, but she uses two hands and rubs her chest once in an outward motion (hard to explain).  We all know what she means!  
  • She will finally say cow again with no hesitation!
  • Says AMEN after we pray at dinner or when going to bed!  So sweet!

"Big Girl" Bed Transition:  We finally transitioned Noell into the toddler bed.  She has always been a good sleeper, but you never know how they will do when the time finally comes to switch to a bed from a crib!  Last night (the first night) went well.  We put her down and she laid in bed awake for about 20 minutes before falling asleep, but never got out.  When I woke up at 6 I went to check on her and found her laying on the floor...haha.  Then I heard her at 8am and went to check on her and she had climbed back into bed and was laying there!  For nap time today she did great and slept the whole time in her bed (not getting up once).  And so far tonight she laid in bed for about 20 minutes again but has been sleeping IN her bed!  We can only hope and pray that this continues :)
Our little sweetie right before we turned out the lights!

How I found her at 6am!!!

This was Noell at 8am...once she saw momma, she started to climb out of bed!

Gymnastics:  Noell had her last gymnastics class for the summer this past Tuesday and guess what?!  NO MELTDOWNS!!!  It was her best class yet!  She is so fun to watch in the gym and has made so many gains.  I am sad that we cannot fit it into our schedule to take her this fall, but plan to again this spring!
She loves the wedge.  She walks up on the one side and does a somersault down the other side!

She loves running on the long trampoline for the vault.  We are still working on jumping with two feet at the same time!

G2 is growing...momma is growing!  His/her movements are getting much stronger and I can actually feel the baby's body while it is just hanging out!  It is hard to believe that I am in the third trimester already.  Only 11 more weeks to go!

Last Doctor's Appointment:  The most recent doctor's appointment was for my 28 week check up.  This check up included the glucose test and other blood work and I am happy to say that all test results came back NORMAL!!!  I also got the Tdap vaccine.  It is recommended for everyone every ten years, but for pregnant women it is recommended with every pregnancy because of the pertussis vaccine that is part of it.  That will help protect the baby from getting it since they cannot get the vaccination right away (and pertussis can be deadly for infants).  Also at this doctor's appointment I shared that the baby hadn't moved in a couple days (except for a very small amount the night before the appointment).  The midwife also had a hard time picking up a strong heartbeat with the doppler...  So they hooked me up to the Non-Stress Test for 20 minutes to monitor the baby's heart rate and movement.  After about 10 minutes the baby starting moving like its normal self and the heartbeat sounded great.  I took a picture, but do you think I would have thought to take a video of that beautiful sound...of course not.  But it was music to my ears for those 20 minutes as I got to sit in the recliner just relaxing with my baby.

Baby G's growth:

26 Weeks- Friday, July 18
26 Weeks- Baby is the size of a scallion:  about 2 pounds and 14 inches long.  Baby is now opening his/her eyes.  The baby is very sensitive to light and sound.

27 Weeks- Friday, July 25
27 Weeks- Baby is the size of a head of cauliflower :  approximately 15 inches and just over 2 pounds.  The baby's has the most tastebuds that he/she will ever have.  I hope they are enjoying all of the yummy foods mom is eating ;)  He or she is hiccuping A LOT!  

28 Weeks- Friday, August 1, 2014
 28 Weeks- Baby is the size of an eggplant:  approximately 16 inches and 2 1/2 pounds.  The baby can now blink his/her eyes.  This also allows baby to start entering REM sleep...which includes dreaming!  His/her mommy is also having some crazy/vivid dreams!

29 Weeks- Friday, August 8, 2014
 29 Weeks- Baby is the size of a butternut squash:  17 inches and 3 pounds.  The baby is approximately 3 inches short of what he/she will be at birth, but the body weight will double or even possibly triple (I sure hope not) by birth.  I would be TOTALLY okay if the baby weighed around the same as Noell (6lb 10oz)!!!

Mike & Kelly

We celebrated our 3rd anniversary last week.  We went to Fuji as neither of us have been there before (we have been to restaurants similar but never there).  It was amazing!  It is hard to believe how quickly time goes.  The past three years have had its ups and downs, rewards and challenges.  The best rewards would be our daughter, Noell, baby G2 on the way, our lovable pup, Katie, and our house!  Of course we could never forgot our family and friends who are always there as constant supports!

I, Kelly, just finished up my summer school classes, getting an A in both!  It was a lot of work and I'm glad that they are over!  Now enjoying a couple weeks with Noell, resting, and nesting before I get super busy until G2 comes.  Volleyball and inservice start the same week (aug. 18) and I still have A LOT to do to get my classroom ready.  School officially starts the Tuesday after labor day and so does another grad class!  I am hoping that G2 waits to make an appearance until at least October 16 as that is the JV girls' last game of the season (and that would be 38 1/2 weeks....which would be the time Noell was born) but preferably would like him/her to wait until the actual due date.  BUT of course I will be happy whenever he/she makes the arrival as long as everything goes well and he/she is healthy!!!

Mike is officially the BIG 3-0!!  We celebrated a couple weeks ago on his actual birthday at our house...utilizing our new deck and fire ring with family and friends!  It was a lot of fun...thanks again to everyone that helped celebrate with Mike :)

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