Sunday, September 30, 2012

Weeks 29 & 30

We found out at our shower last weekend that Baby G is a .......GIRL!!!

Almost time to find out....

                                    "Oh, it's a girl!"

There is the expression from Mike we were looking for :)

Of Course we would have been happy if it was a boy or we are just happy!  It is fun to actually start calling her by her name when it is just Mike and I, but for everyone else you will have to wait until the little girl makes her arrival.

What is strange is that the week before the shower I had 3 dreams that baby G was a girl.  Here are the dreams...just thought I would share so I would remember some day!
  1. No vivid detail just remember that I was told it was a girl.
  2. I was walking into the church basement and it was decorated in green and a few other colors but mostly pink!
  3. My final dream before the shower was that I was upstairs greeting people and I happened to look on Facebook and my mom already posted that it was a girl.  My mom of course would be the last person to ever do that which is funny! 
This is the adorable watermelon baby that my friend's husband (Heath) made!!!
I'm so excited to share my pregnancy experience with my cousin Danielle :)  Our children are going to be great friends!

 The amazing diaper cake my cousin Brooke made!  She wrapped each diaper in either blue or pink tissue paper!!!

I just wanted to say THANK YOU to many people.  
  • Thank you to my wonderful friends who planned the most perfect baby shower.  
  • Thank you to all of our friends and family that came and celebrated the day with us.  
  • Thank you those who still sent a gift even if you couldn't make it.  
  • Thank you to everyone who helped get our house ready over the last month so we could move in and celebrate with everyone at our new place!

Week 29

It is a good thing I LOVE milk and drink lots of it, because baby girl's bones are soaking up a lot of calcium these days.


Week 30

Baby girl is about 15 1/2 inches long and 3 pounds which is about the size of a head of lettuce.  From now until she is born, she will gain about 1/2 pound a week!  She is gaining more fat and so her body is starting to shed the lanugo (hair that covers their body to help them keep warm in the womb).

We now have doctor appointments every two weeks until 36 weeks.  I cannot believe that we only have 10 weeks left (give or take).

Oh, not sure if I mentioned this before, but my glucose tests came back normal...Good work, Kidneys--keep it up :)

My goal for next week is to add some before and after pictures of our house!!!!  Have a great week everyone and again thank you to everyone for your love and support!  God Bless!

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