Sunday, September 30, 2012

Weeks 29 & 30

We found out at our shower last weekend that Baby G is a .......GIRL!!!

Almost time to find out....

                                    "Oh, it's a girl!"

There is the expression from Mike we were looking for :)

Of Course we would have been happy if it was a boy or we are just happy!  It is fun to actually start calling her by her name when it is just Mike and I, but for everyone else you will have to wait until the little girl makes her arrival.

What is strange is that the week before the shower I had 3 dreams that baby G was a girl.  Here are the dreams...just thought I would share so I would remember some day!
  1. No vivid detail just remember that I was told it was a girl.
  2. I was walking into the church basement and it was decorated in green and a few other colors but mostly pink!
  3. My final dream before the shower was that I was upstairs greeting people and I happened to look on Facebook and my mom already posted that it was a girl.  My mom of course would be the last person to ever do that which is funny! 
This is the adorable watermelon baby that my friend's husband (Heath) made!!!
I'm so excited to share my pregnancy experience with my cousin Danielle :)  Our children are going to be great friends!

 The amazing diaper cake my cousin Brooke made!  She wrapped each diaper in either blue or pink tissue paper!!!

I just wanted to say THANK YOU to many people.  
  • Thank you to my wonderful friends who planned the most perfect baby shower.  
  • Thank you to all of our friends and family that came and celebrated the day with us.  
  • Thank you those who still sent a gift even if you couldn't make it.  
  • Thank you to everyone who helped get our house ready over the last month so we could move in and celebrate with everyone at our new place!

Week 29

It is a good thing I LOVE milk and drink lots of it, because baby girl's bones are soaking up a lot of calcium these days.


Week 30

Baby girl is about 15 1/2 inches long and 3 pounds which is about the size of a head of lettuce.  From now until she is born, she will gain about 1/2 pound a week!  She is gaining more fat and so her body is starting to shed the lanugo (hair that covers their body to help them keep warm in the womb).

We now have doctor appointments every two weeks until 36 weeks.  I cannot believe that we only have 10 weeks left (give or take).

Oh, not sure if I mentioned this before, but my glucose tests came back normal...Good work, Kidneys--keep it up :)

My goal for next week is to add some before and after pictures of our house!!!!  Have a great week everyone and again thank you to everyone for your love and support!  God Bless!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Weeks 27 & 28

Wow.  The past few weeks have just been something else.  I started work with the Whitehall School District, and not only is it difficult to get back into the routine of school, but there are extra nerves and pressures when starting at a new school.  I absolutely love working with my little 4-Kers...they are so much fun and have so much energy, and on the other hand, I am enjoying my quiet afternoons as a title teacher with Kindergarten (I work with one to two children at a time right now).  I am very tired by the end of the day!  I also started coaching 8th grade volleyball once school started last week and I am so PROUD that my girls won their first game this past Thursday.  Not am I only proud that they won, but they worked hard at accomplishing our goals:  run a 4-2 offense (after only 4 practices), set up the ball (a total of 23 times in the three games), played as a team, and cheered each other on!  What more could a coach ask for???

We have also been working super hard on our house!  Painting was done by Mark Johnson of Whitehall, and he did an AMAZING job!  Also between my Dad, Mom, Grandpa Roger, Grandma Carol, and Uncle Randall, we would never be moving into our house over the next few days.  I will post pictures later so you can see all the remodeling that has happened.  We plan on getting a lot done today such as putting in the laminate wood flooring in the kitchen, dining room, and front entry way; putting in our counter tops and dishwasher, and other small things.  A lot of Mike's cousins and friends are coming down today along with my grandpa to help us out...THANK YOU!  The carpet and rest of appliances will be installed Sunday and Monday and hopefully we will be starting to move in on Wednesday....and then all of you can see it on Saturday for the shower/diaper party!!

On a more sad note, we found out early last Sunday morning that my aunt and uncle had been in a bad car accident with some good friends of theirs.  They are both making much progress because of the hospital staff, their family by their sides, and because all of your prayers, thoughts, and well wishes.  I have always know that our family has such a strong bond, but it really shows through when there is a definite time of need.  It has been great to be by their side the couple times each that I have been able to be.  Please continue to pray for them as well as their good friends as they all still have a long road of recovery ahead of them. 

As for the baby.  He/she continues to grow.  Baby G is between 2-2 1/2 pounds this week and about 15in long!  He or she will just continue to pack on the lbs until it is strong for its grand appearance.  The baby is also now able to open and shut his/her eyes.  Our little peanut is sleeping and waking on a regular schedule although the baby only sleeps for about 20-30min at a time.  I definitely don't feel the tickle as the baby moves, it is more of a pressure feeling.  I just love when it is non-stop moving.  It always puts a smile on my face :)  I actually felt a little rhythm in my lower abdomen the other day, so I am guessing that Baby G had the hiccups for a minute or so.  I am officially into my third trimester which is hard to believe that I am already this far along.  I am starting to feel a little more aggravation on my back, especially when I do a lot during the day....good thing my husband is amazing and gives me back rubs when I request them.

I have my next appointment on Wednesday where they test for how your body/pancreas handles the sugars in the body (gestational diabetes).  I pray that my body is handling it the correct way and that I am staying right on track health wise for Baby G and myself.

We started our Hypnobabies home study a couple weeks ago.  It is going well.  I am very excited for my birthing time and to put to use everything I am learning and working on each night :)

Here is my 27 week photo taken on Thursday, September 6...

Here is my 28 week photo....

Yesterday while on the way up to St. Paul to visit my aunt in the hospital, I had looked down at my feet and thought they looked a little swollen, but then I was like no they are just fine.  After sitting in the hospital room for a couple hours, my Grandma Carol says, "Wow, are your feet that swollen?"  I looked at them and they had really puffed I replied, "I guess so."  I didn't have my little 4-Kers yesterday as they only come not sure why they decided to swell up.  Beyond me.


As the time to my shower gets closer, and I finding myself getting more excited about finding out what Baby G is.  I cannot believe it is only one week away!  I actually had a dream a couple nights ago that Baby G is a girl.  I told my cousin Danielle that and she well yea, what else are you going to have?  lol.  Our family has all girls, so it is hard to imagine one of us actually having a boy (besides my parents who had Chad).  

I am so very lucky to have such great friends and family that I can celebrate this little bundle of joy with :)  God Bless you all!!!!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Weeks 25 & 26 AND....

We are a couple of homeowners!!!!  Mike and I just closed on our first home this past week Wednesday.  We are moving to the HUGE town of Coral City (in the middle of Whitehall and Pigeon Falls).  It is a three bedroom, 1 bath, split level house with a 1 car attached garage.  It is currently under a little construction as it needed updating with flooring, paint, and the tearing out walls to open up the kitchen.  We definitely couldn't have done it without my parents and grandparents who have already put in so much time and money of their own to help.  We also couldn't have gotten where we are today without the help of Mike's mom, aunt and uncle, and my parents who have let Mike, myself and our puppy stay with them for rent free different times throughout the past year!  We cannot thank you all enough for your support.  THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!

Here is our first family picture at our home!

Here is an outside picture of the house!

P.S.  This is where the diaper party will be held!  We cannot wait for everyone to see it :)

Now on to baby news!!!

Here is my 25 week photo.  Only news from 25 weeks was that we had a doctor's appointment and everything was good.  Baby's heartbeat is still going strong :)  Our next appointment is September 19.  I get to drink the sugary drink and get my blood drawn to see how my body takes the sugar.  Pray for me that my body is responding in a healthy way so I can continue to see the midwives (having gestational diabetes is one reason why I would have to switch over to an OB along with all of the other extra issues)!

Week 26.

This week my uterus is about the size of a basketball according to one source which seems crazy that it could be that big, but thinking that Baby G is about 14in and 2lb makes it seem a little more realistic!  The baby has changed its schedule a little bit.  It has decided to be more active in the morning.  It was doing flips and kicks while I had inservice this week.  It definitely made getting back into the work routine eventful!  The nerves are better developed which allows the baby to hear better.  Otherwise the baby continues to swallow amniotic fluid to help develop the sucking/swallowing/breathing reflexes, and continues to grow and add fat!

Mike and I tried to register for Hypnobirthing classes but the classes that are nearest to us are in Hudson or the Cities.  We would travel but the times and dates don't match up with our schedules.  So, we did some more research and have decided to buy Hypobabies home guide.  We are very excited to start using the home program.  I will keep you updated on how it goes :)

This is my last photo for the second trimester!  Whoop Whoop.