Thursday, April 25, 2013

Spring Brings New Things!

I am so excited for spring to finally show up this weekend.  I am participating in my second March of Dimes walk this weekend to raise awareness and money for research on premature babies in honor of my friend Amanda's little girl, Lily!  We were praying for some warmer weather for the walk, and I guess God is blessing us with just that.  Noell will also be walking with me this year and I'm stoked to take her for a walk when the temp is above 45.

As for Little Miss Noell, she is 5 months old.  Wow, does time sure fly.  Feels like just yesterday we found out we were pregnant and anticipating the arrival of a precious babe.  We finally had her 4 month appointment last week (a little late but better than never).  She is a petite little thing but is growing well. She weighed in at 13lbs 15oz and was 24 1/2 in long which puts her into the 30th percentile in both areas.  Her head circumferences is also on the smaller side and puts in her in the 15th percentile.  Noell is a brave little girl and got her shots like a champ.  Mom did better this time, too (which translates to:  Mom didn't cry this time).  She loves the oral vaccine and just sucks it down!  I got the great advice to bring her to her appointments a little hungry so I can feed her to help calm her after her shots.  Well, I usually nurse her afterwards, but she had a little milk left from in her bottle from before the appointment so I gave her the rest of that, and she held the bottle all by herself.  It fell out and she got it back in with no help.  Such a big girl!  Also because of her shots she was very tired and slept 11 1/2 hours straight that night... 8:30pm to 8:00am!  Of course that only lasted one night and every night since then she has decided to wake up at 4:30 like clock work.  I'm not used to that...I'm hoping she goes back to her "normal" sleeping pattern soon!

Noell holding the bottle all by herself!

The movie "My Sister's Keeper" was on TV this past weekend, and I realized I had never watched it so I decided to.  Wow, that was such a sad movie.  I hope and pray that my children never have to go through the pain and sickness that comes with cancer or any other disease.  I gave Noell some extra hugs and kisses as she is such a miracle and blessing in our life.

On the same note, my dad watched Noell by himself for the first time last week and when I got there to pick her up she was eating and almost asleep, so my dad and I had a good conversation.  He brought up the questions he thinks of that constantly run through my mind as well....what is she going to be when she grows up?  What paths will she go down?  Will she make good decisions?  Will she be successful?  Ect, etc.   This is what I thought and how I answered...  The best that I can do is teach and instill Noell with the morals and values that I live by, guide her through the good times and the bad, and hope that she will learn from her mistakes.  As her mom I promise her to always be available for her to come to me for anything.  I will always pray for her and pray that God has amazing things planned for her.

Below are some more photos of our little sweetie pie!

Such a happy girl!

Noell was trying and trying to grab Katie's bone and finally got a hold of it.  Katie let her play with it for a little bit (being very gentle) but finally had enough sharing and took her bone a few feet away!

Noell loves playing in her saucer.  I like to put it in the kitchen while I am getting supper ready or washing bottles...that way she can play and watch her momma!

Playing and checking out her crib before the big transition.  She sleeps well in her crib and can even get herself to sleep by playing, humming, and sucking her thumb.   She looks tiny in there compared to her bassinet.

I am so excited for many friends who are having babies or have recently had their baby.  I feel like there was a big boom in December/January and now again in April/May.  I am so happy that many people get to experience the wonderful world of mommyhood because it simply is the best.  My heart also goes out to all women who cannot have babies of their own and pray that they find peace in what God's plan is for them.

As for Mike the countdown is getting closer to the end.  Two weeks from today (Friday, May 10) he will be graduating from CVTC.  We will be going out for dinner afterwards and most likely some drinks somewhere in Eau Claire if anyone would want to join us.  He also is working his last weekend at Menards this weekend.  His official last day will be next Tuesday and then he will be home EVERY NIGHT!!!!  I am so excited to have him home more...and I know Noell and Katie will be, too.

My brother Chad is finishing up his 5th month of deployment which means he is about half over with the first one.  There have been a few bumps but we are proud of his strength and determination.  Please continue to pray for Chad and the rest of his unit, all other soldiers defending our country, and his wife, Erica.  May they all find strength and God's presence to get through each and every day.

This was a collage I put together for my brother's birthday two weekends ago....some fun pictures from back in the day!

I hope you all enjoy the warmer weather headed our way!!!!

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