Sunday, April 14, 2013

Loving Life

Well, again I have been slacking on my has already been a month and a half since I last posted.

I am going to start with Noell because that is the most interesting news around here!  She is now 4 1/2 months and has grown in so many ways.  She loves to be on her tummy which is why I think she learned how to roll to her tummy so early.  Anytime we have her on her back, she rolls right over to her tummy!  She has always rolled over her right arm, but just tonight she rolled over her left arm...twice!!! She is getting so strong!  Also when she is on her tummy she brings her legs up under her butt like she wants to move forward, so lately I have been putting my palm behind her feet so when she pushes her feet back she has something to push against.  This helps her move forward and for her I'm sure if feels like she is actually going somewhere!  She still loves to sit and stand with support and has the same amazed, excited look every time she stands.

It has officially been 1 week since Noell started sleeping in the crib in her room.  I think it was more hard on mommy than on Noell.  I can lay her down in the crib awake and she allows herself to fall asleep whether it is after her feeding, in the middle of the night, or for nap time.  I am so lucky to have such a good little sleeper!  Now hopefully this will last into toddler years....praying ;)

Besides Noell's body growing in inches so is her HAIR!  It just keeps growing...I'm thinking we will need a hair cut sooner than we thought!  Pony tails will also be used soon as well.  She almost looks more like a little person than a baby because of her long hair!

Noell also has a STRONG set of vocal cords and wow does she use them.  Our little peanut really likes to scream.  She does it just for fun, as she is talking/playing, and especially when she is tired.  Our church congregation got to hear those high pitch screams today which caused many chuckles!  I can handle the screams when she is playing, but they are piercing when she is tired.  Just a phase I guess.

One of the best parts of being a mommy is hearing your sweet pea giggling.  She has done a little giggling here and there, but she has really started to giggle consistently the past couple days.  It is so fun to see her happy and having fun.  The twinkle in her eye, the smile on her face, the dimple on her cheek, and the hand around my finger are some of the best memories imprinted on my heart.

Here are a couple recent pictures! 

Noell likes her baby bjorn!  She feel asleep while shed hunting with momma!

Wishing the weather was nice so we could go on more walks!

Happy Easter!

Noell's other Easter dress!
Mike is almost done with school....less than a month to go!!!  I am so proud of him for sticking through while working two jobs, and being away from his wife and baby girl.  Noell and I are so lucky to have him in our life!  He graduates May 10 and then will be working for Sampson full time which means that he will be driving less, home at nights and on weekends, and won't have homework to do!  

As for me...things are about the same.  We took our 4kers on their first all day field trip to the EC Children's Museum and Children's was lots of fun but both the kids and myself were super tired and worn out from the trip.  I am not used to having a full class all day...I'm used to my small groups in the afternoon!  As I was rocking Noell tonight I was thinking about my job as a teacher and I don't feel as though I go to "work" everyday.  What I am trying to say is that my job is more than a job.  I love what I do and I love the kids that I work with.  I love the smiles, hugs, questions, answers, determination, and energy that my students have.  That is a big goal in life, love your job so much that it doesn't actually feel like a job?

Katie is Katie.  She definitely needs to be in all the action.  Anytime Noell is on the floor...Katie has to be right there with her toys, a few licks for Noell, and "sneezing" to get attention.  She is funny....doesn't take out any toys all day and the minute we get home she either takes out her toys or Noell's and is right in our face.  Within 5min every single toy of hers is out on the floor.  Just the other day, instead of chewing on a toy, she decided to chew on a pen and got ink on our new carpet...right in the middle of the living room.  I guess its time we bought a coffee table as the ink will not come out...unless you have any suggestions???

Hopefully you are all surviving this beautiful spring that we are having....haha.  I am just praying for temperatures in the 50's....maybe in July?  Enjoy the rest of your April and I will be posting soon....and by soon I mean maybe in the next month ;)

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