Wednesday, January 26, 2011

To the start of my blogging!

Good Night! 

What a weird way to greet, huh?  Well, I just finished my first blog ever for my administration class towards my masters (which was so much harder to write that this), but it made me want to write about my life and share my goals, dreams, accomplishments, and everyday life with anyone who wants to listen.

So, tonight, I am going to talk about my current goal:  to run a 1/2 marathon (the eau claire 1/2 marathon) which is held on Sunday, May 1, 2011.  That means that I have 5 months and 5 days until race day.  Good thing that I am on week 4 of my training!!!  I found a training schedule online and have abided by it since day 1.  I am currently running 4 miles two days a week and on Saturday I will be running 7miles.  I am currently running on a treadmill at Gold's Gym in Eau Claire.  It is going great so far, and I feel amazing after each run!

Another goal of mine is to reach the weight of 130lbs.  Some of you may think, WOW, you go girl.  While others may think, wow, 130...big deal!  I haven't been that small since my sophomore year of high school.  My first year of college my starting weight was 150, and by Summer of 2009, I was at my top weight of....168 :( and let me tell you I was not happy and I honestly have only told a few people of that weight.  After eating healthy and kicking my butt exercising I dropped some weight at was at 160 for a while.  I then met my now fiance, Mike, who ate healthy and worked out (nice body!!!).  He helped make me want to be my "old-young-athletic-in shape" self again.  With that I dropped down to 153 in summer of 2010.  I kept that weight through the fall and Christmas and after Christmas I decided to do something about it (and to look amazing in my wedding dress in July).  So after talking to Staci, I decided to start training for the 1/2 marathon.  So, I run three days a week (which I mentioned before) and the other days I do 1-2 cardio work outs.  I am happy to report after 3 full weeks I am down to 146!!!  I feel great :)

I am getting to the point where the weight isn't dropping quickly as I would like and at times I need some extra support and so I am looking to my friends and family for that :)

And with all of that said, I'm going to bed and officially say Good Night!!!


  1. Welcome to the blogging world! Good luck with your goals, I think I'll need some of your motivation come July after I have this baby!!

  2. Kelly, you have the drive and determination to do whatever you want, and I know you can do this!! Love you always, MOM
