Saturday, January 29, 2011

Connecting Everything Together!!!

So many times I find myself ready to work out....but not eat healthy to go along with it.  OR I am ready to eat healthy, but lack in working out.  FINALLY, I have everything put together!  I am working out, eating healthy, and have the perfect mindset!  I feel great.  Today, for my training, I needed to run 7miles.  I just had to do a slow long run (instead of sprint/walk combo) and I did it :)  I ran 7- ten minute miles without stopping.  I have never done that before.  4miles non stop was the longest I had previous done, and that was last week...haha!  Ok, enough with that!

I just had my first week back with my 4-year old kiddos this week, and I guess I expected for the worst behaviors, not wanting to follow the routine, etc.  But they proved me wrong!  They were great!  I couldn't have had a better week with them...actually, I think it was the best week with this group!  Part of my job is supervising 10 college students who come into lab one day a week for 4 hours.  They have to write and teach lesson plans, etc.  So we have a new set of college students since it is the beginning of the semester.  So one of my 4 year olds told one of the college students, "You don't know how to teach yet.  You're not a good teacher.  Kelly will teach you how to teach.  You will learn from her."  Funny and cute.  I didn't realize I was such a super teacher!  I made sure the college student took that comment with a grain of salt...haha!

Anyway, I'm off to spend the evening with family down in York for my uncle's 40th birthday :)

Hope you all are having a wonderful weekend!

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