Friday, January 17, 2014

Being the mother of a girl...

As I was relaxing after a long week I was thinking of my precious little girl and got to thinking of all the wonderful things I get to do with my daughter and all of the memories we get to make.  Here are a list of the top fifteen in my eyes.

Being a mother of a girl means that I get to...

  1. Put your hair up in cute little pig tails.
  2. Dress you up like a princess in my heels, necklaces, earrings, and dresses.
  3. Compare your pictures to pictures from when I was little and even share a couple outfits, too.
  4. Take you out hunting for the very first time and showing you that girls can hunt, too.
  5. Help you put on make-up.  Others may think I don't put make-up on well but I don't need much and neither do you.  I get to remind you of your true beauty everyday.
  6. Teach and coach you how to play volleyball and softball and what good sportsmanship is.  I could help you a little with basketball too I suppose.
  7. Buy you your first prom dress.
  8. Hug you through the tears of a first breakup.  I get to listen to your story and offer advice when you are ready for it.
  9. Help you study for ACT's, write applications, edit resumes, and tour colleges.
  10. Have girls days with manis and pedis...and eventually some wine tasting.
  11. Be the person you call when you get your first big girl job and tell you how proud I am of you.
  12. I get to be the mother of the bride.  I will be there to help you pick out that perfect dress, put the necklace around your neck, and help your father give you away all while sharing tears of joy.
  13. Be the grandma of your sweet little baby.
  14. Tell you I love you everyday.
  15. Most importantly I get to share a treasured friendship with my daughter through the years.
Thank you for letting me be your mom, Noell.

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