Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Life as we know it

Our life and our little Noell are changing everyday.

Noell is 14 months this Sunday, which means it has already been two months since we celebrated her birthday.  Her first birthday was absolutely wonderful.  The actual day of her birthday was on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving.  Mom and dad made sure Noell was up to celebrate the time of her birth which was 6:38am.  We give her a fun little party in her crib with balloons and signs...she loved it.  Then daddy made her some birthday pancakes.  We put her in a special outfit and she spent the day with Aunt Liza and friends, Charly and Rylee.  We had a special dinner that included a cake pop!  Noell opened her gift from mommy and daddy.  We got her a rocking horse but it wasn't a rocking is a lady bug that is soft and sings.  At first she was really scared of it, but after daddy showed her that it was okay, she loved it.
This picture was taken at 6:38am...exactly one year from Noell's birth.

Our family of four celebrating...although Katie didn't get any cake.

A little scared at first...but she figured out soon that it wasn't so bad.

That following Saturday we celebrated her birthday with family and friends.  We debated a long time on where we should have our peanut's first birthday and finally decided to just host it at our house.  We fit approx 40 people...give our take...into our little home.  We had yummy food, amazing cupcakes, and a smash cake for Noell.  While singing happy birthday, Noell started to cry...I guess all the extra attention scared her a little ;)  Noell, Mike, and I have been truly blessed by the love of our family and friends that helped us through Noell's first year and helped make her first birthday the best!

It's my party and I'll cry if I want to!


Miss Molly's Bakery did a wonderful yummy!

Birthday Girl :)
After all of the birthday celebrations came Christmas...Noell's second Christmas.  It was a lot of fun.  Noell enjoyed wrapping paper and the tubes that they come on.  Every time she would start opening a present she would get excited and say, "OOOO.  OOO. OOOO."  She did the same whenever she would see Christmas trees and lights...she loved all of the beautiful colors.  Here are just a few Christmas pictures for you to enjoy.
Loving her new slide...first thing she plays on when she gets home.  Great gross motor skills being worked on.

Wasn't sure what to think of Santa this year.

New jammies for Christmas and her new car from Santa.

New up-coming artists :)
Christmas Morning!

Our little beauty!

It has been a very cold winter, but fortunately we were able to enjoy a couple warm days outside with Noell and Katie.  Noell loves her new sled and she loves watching Katie run in the snow...she thinks it is the most funny thing ever!
Another new artist!

Loves sledding!

Laughing at Katie!

<3 family in a winter wonderland :)

Some milestones that Noell has hit over the last couple months include:

  • Stands up by self without holding on to anything
  • Walks with toys or holding on to someone's hands...just waiting for her to finally take those first big steps by herself
  • Says so many words (mama, dada, Katie, hi, more, book, block, puzzle, oval, sock, boots, eyes, diaper, grandma, papa, bath)
  • Says a few words phrases (good girl Katie, get down, all done, love you)
  • Turns around to climb down stairs, chair, sofa, etc.
  • LOVES TO DANCE (Shake her booty)
  • Has been bottle free since 11 months...loves her sippy cup!  She occassionally nurses at night or right away in the morning.
  • Feeds self with fork and spoon.  Most recently she insists on eating applesauce all by herself...she does pretty well :)
  • Started popping in tub so momma carried her over to the toilet...she popped in the potty but screamed the whole time...oh, well less mess for me!  Now hopefully by this time next year she will be diaper free...hopefully!
  • Noell got two of her top molars in and so she is up to 8 teeth.
  • Noell got her first case of pink eye.  Tomorrow is our last dose of eye drops....thank the Lord because it is the worst trying to get those in.
  • Identifies body parts:  eyes, nose, ears, tongue (shows us by sticking out her tongue), feet and belly
  • Speaks Chinese....well it sounds like it anyway.  She has all of these stories to tell and it is so funny to hear her talk and talk and not have a clue what she is saying...cracks us up all the time.
  • Just packed away Noell's 6-9 month clothes a couple weeks ago...she is now mostly in some 12mon clothes and some smaller 18 mon clothes....little, little, little!
I think thats it for now.  Stay warm.  Hopefully more frequent updates but I doubt it as my spring semester for my masters starts next Monday.  I have six credits on my load...wish me luck :)

Friday, January 17, 2014

Being the mother of a girl...

As I was relaxing after a long week I was thinking of my precious little girl and got to thinking of all the wonderful things I get to do with my daughter and all of the memories we get to make.  Here are a list of the top fifteen in my eyes.

Being a mother of a girl means that I get to...

  1. Put your hair up in cute little pig tails.
  2. Dress you up like a princess in my heels, necklaces, earrings, and dresses.
  3. Compare your pictures to pictures from when I was little and even share a couple outfits, too.
  4. Take you out hunting for the very first time and showing you that girls can hunt, too.
  5. Help you put on make-up.  Others may think I don't put make-up on well but I don't need much and neither do you.  I get to remind you of your true beauty everyday.
  6. Teach and coach you how to play volleyball and softball and what good sportsmanship is.  I could help you a little with basketball too I suppose.
  7. Buy you your first prom dress.
  8. Hug you through the tears of a first breakup.  I get to listen to your story and offer advice when you are ready for it.
  9. Help you study for ACT's, write applications, edit resumes, and tour colleges.
  10. Have girls days with manis and pedis...and eventually some wine tasting.
  11. Be the person you call when you get your first big girl job and tell you how proud I am of you.
  12. I get to be the mother of the bride.  I will be there to help you pick out that perfect dress, put the necklace around your neck, and help your father give you away all while sharing tears of joy.
  13. Be the grandma of your sweet little baby.
  14. Tell you I love you everyday.
  15. Most importantly I get to share a treasured friendship with my daughter through the years.
Thank you for letting me be your mom, Noell.