Sunday, May 19, 2013

You know you're a mom when.....

I was watching home alone the other night and it has been years since I have seen it.  At the end of the movie I started crying when the mom and son were reunited....and I was thinking to myself, "Good know you are a mom when you cry from the movie, Home Alone."  So then it got me thinking about my next blog...

You know you're a mom when....

  • You cry at the end of Home Alone.
  • You pull the car over in a random place to nurse your child.
  • You nurse in public even though said you would never do that.
  • When you give up something you love, and for me it was all dairy, so you can continue to nurse your child and give them the best nutrition.
  • You eat cereal for breakfast, lunch, and supper because it is easy to make and fast to eat.
  • You would rather stay at home on a Friday AND Saturday night to spend time with your child than go out and party.
  • You wake up in the middle of the night to pump for a bottle the next day or to save a bottle to your stash even though your baby sleeps through the night.
  • You rock and snuggle your baby even if they have been sleeping for 45minute just so you can hold them while you can.
  • You take a million pictures of every little cute thing your child does and every milestone they reach.
  • You have to wash your face in the middle of the night because your child farted while changing the diaper and there was more than just air that came out.
  • A 5 minute hot shower feels like a mini vacation.
  • You have mastered making supper, cutting up food, and eating all while holding the baby in the other arm.
  • You have to change your clothes as you were getting ready to walk out the door to work because you realize you have spit up all over your shirt.
  • You can identify your child's cry versus others' without looking even if you were in a room full of babies.
  • You kiss your baby all the time because you know that one day you cannot.
  • You notice yourself rocking back and forth even when you aren't holding the baby.
  • Getting up at 5:30/6:00am on Saturday and Sunday mornings is the new normal and you are okay with it.
  • You put everything else aside to play with your child.
  • You care for that little cutie for than anything else in the whole entire world!!!
Now, I know I have only been a mom for six months and so there will be many more of these that I can add through the years, but I think I have a good start to my list!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

A Big Change for the Giedds!!!

Well our life has officially changed!!!  Mike is finally done with school and graduates tomorrow….woot woot.  He will start full time on Monday as Sampson’s newest Heating and Air Conditioning Tech.  We are so proud of all of his hard work and his time spent away was well worth it.  We are excited and look forward to having him working closer to home and being home every night.

Noell is now 5 ½ months and she is MOBILE!!!  She rolls from one end of the room to the other.  She also scoots forward and backward and turns herself around.  It will be no time before she starts to actually crawl and pull herself up on things.  She has also discovered her toes and like most babies enjoys sucking on them.  I am definitely looking forward to being a “Stay at Home Mommy” for the summer.  We have lots of plans to go swimming, taking walks and runs, visiting Bayfield for Mike’s cousin’s wedding, taking Noell on her first pontoon ride up on Uncle Doug and Aunt Liza’s pontoon, and much more.  I am very blessed that I get to watch my daughter grow and enjoy all of those moments and memories with her.
Sucking her toes!

And some more!  They just taste so good!
We are glad the weather is FINALLY nice!  We can go for walks and not have to completely bundle up.  

Enjoyed a walk on Tuesday, April 30, 2013.

Did NOT enjoy the snow on Thursday, May 2, 2013.

I feel like there is a moment at some point during each day where I reflect on my life and how amazing it truly.  I look at my daughter and am just in awe that my body (along with a little of Mike's help) created such a healthy, beautiful little girl.  As I hear stories of other people's children being sick, getting hurt, or even worse, passing away, my heart just breaks...I could never imagine not having Noell in my life.  God has really blessed my life and I am so grateful.  Then from being a teacher I see so many students that come from a wide variety of backgrounds, and I still cannot believe how some parents treat their children.  It just kills me inside.  I can't even go further because it just upsets me too much.  Children are a miracle...the most amazing thing on Earth, and all children deserve a good life, a good home, and good parents, and a good school and good teachers.  

Okay, enough with the "deep" stuff.  As for me, I am about the same.  I am anxious for school to be done for the summer.  Only 13 days left for my 4Kers and Kindergarten will be done the following week.  

I have really pushed myself in terms of getting back in shape.  I met my first two goals early on.  My third goal was to get to my wedding weight and I am proud to say….I DID IT and THEN SOME MORE!  So in honor of meeting that goal, I am going to get my hair done....its only been 14months!  My next goal is 5 more pounds.  I also have a goal to run my second half marathon in August.  I ran the Eau Claire marathon two years ago and after seeing pictures and seeing people’s status’ from this year, I miss that feeling of accomplishment.  So, here I go again.  I ran two miles last night and it went well.  I am completing a 5K on Saturday to kick off my training and am hoping to push Noell in the jogging stroller (hopefully the rain will hold off).  It feels good to be fit and healthy….I’m looking for running buddies if anyone wants to join!!!

AND....I got to facetime with my brother, Chad last weekend!  It was so great to see and hear him.  I haven't been able to chat with him "in person" since Christmas.  Your continued prayers for him and other deployed soldiers to come home safely are very much appreciated!