Friday, June 29, 2012

Here are some pictures of the growing belly!  I am excited to look more pregnant everyday instead of just like I have gained weight!

                        Here are the two pregnancy tests that I took!

                       Below is the picture of me at 4weeks...the day that I found out!!!  
                                              March 29, 2012

                                                                          6 Weeks.
                                                 April 12, 2012

               I guess I slacked a little with interviews, trainings, and the end of
     now we jump to week 13 (hello end of first trimester)!!!  
                                               May 31, 2012

                                              14 weeks.  Hello second trimester!!! 
                                                 June 7, 2012

                                                                      15 weeks.  
                                              June 14, 2012

                              Bought a new swimsuit top...16 weeks. 
          I felt something this week...not sure if it was the baby moving or 
                                          something else!
                                           June 21, 2012

                                                                   17 weeks.
                                           June 28, 2012

                                        The diaper bags I bought.  The polka dots is for me 
                     and the "Manly" gray one is for Mike!!!  They are 31 bags!

Now my goal will be to update every week with a new picture!!!  We have our next appointment Friday, June 6 to hear heartbeat again.  June 26 is the ultrasound appointment!!!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

A New Look To My Blog!!!

Well, I haven't posted on here in a LONG time and it is well overdue.  The focus of this blog has officially DrAsTiCaLlY changed.  As many of you know, I am now married to my wonderful husband, Mike...all those wedding plans that I posted about 1 1/2 ago actually went perfect and we will be celebrating our 1st anniversary in one month.  This past year has been probably the biggest roller coaster ride either of us has taken.  After our wedding, we honeymooned in beautiful Jamaica!  The day after we got back, we moved all of my (and our wonderful wedding gifts) to Wausau, Wisconsin so I could start my first year of teaching in a public school.  Did I mention I was moving here BY MYSELF?  Let me tell you, I have never lived alone...ever.  Yes, at times it was nice to come home and relax and do whatever the hell I wanted...but 99% of the time I wished I was coming home to my husband, enjoying a good home-cooked meal, and sleeping together in the same bed every night.  The stress of a new job and living away from my husband, family and friends definitely took a toll on me (and my poor husband).  

I am happy to announce that I made it through my first year of teaching Kindergarten and coaching C-Team volleyball.  I did have a blast and met amazing people.  Although I really enjoyed teaching and coaching in Wittenberg, I am most definitely excited to move back home and teach in my hometown of Whitehall.  I am also excited to be living with my husband and our puppy, Katie (which was a surprise birthday gift to me from my hubby to keep me company in Wausau...little did we know my apartment only allowed I ended up being alone again and having one more thing to miss during the week).  Anyway, we are also proud to announce that we are expecting our first child in the beginning of December (expected due date is 12/6).  See our announcement below!

 I am officially 17 weeks tomorrow (Thursday, June 28).  Still haven't felt baby move...that I can recognize anyway!  We have an appointment next week and our 20 week ultrasound is July 26.  We are still unsure at this time if we are going to find out if Baby G is a boy or a girl.  We think it would be fun to do a gender reveal party...but we want to do something different than the cake or balloons....any ideas?!?! 

Overall I am starting to feel better.  I haven't been sick in a little over a week...woot woot!  I lost a little bit of weight the first trimester and haven't gotten back to pre-pregnancy weight yet...I'm sure it won't take long now!!!

I am going to start uploading weekly belly pictures (hopefully get the first weeks from my old phone as well)!

Thank you all for your love and support for this past year...I couldn't have done it without you!