Saturday, July 12, 2014

Noell and Weeks 22-23-24-25..A little Behind!

Well, this summer is pretty much anything but relaxing!  Toddler, homework, toddler, toddler, house, homework, homework, toddler, sleep, toddler, homework...etc, etc.

These two summer classes are kicking my butt and pretty much every time Noell takes a nap or if I have to stay up late/get up early is fulfilled with homework and reading.  Good news is, is that I only have two more weeks left :)

As for Noell....she is just a growing!  Here are some highlights over the last month:

Gymnastics:  Noell goes to gymnastics once a week for 45 minutes.  The first class was challenging as in Noell wanted to do her own thing and explore...but that sounds like a typical toddler who is over stimulated by a huge gym.  The second time went a little better and this third time (last week) was going WONDERFUL for about the first 30min.  She did the bear crawl on two mats, did a handstand while momma held her legs up, did backwards summersaults, and walked on the different balance beams!!!  That wonderful-ness lasted until a little slide was included on the "bars" rotation.  She stood next to the slide, crossed her arms, and was telling the other children "no, no, no" as they went down, and then when it was time to move to the trampoline she had the biggest screaming tantrum EVER.  Seriously, I was like, is this really my child...she has never, ever done this before.  So, I took her outside to cool off.  We managed to make it back in to take two turns on the trampoline.  Then of course she had another tantrum because she didn't want to be done on the trampoline...but good thing that was the end of class!  haha!  It will only continue to get better, right??

New Words/Phrases/Sign Language:  Has started to say and sign the word please!  Says cow occasionally.  There are more, but it is so easy to forget if I don't write it down!

Toddler Attitude:  Crossing her arms and saying, "no, no, no, no."  I honestly don't know who she learned that from.  I will tell her no, but I don't cross my arms.

Funny/Exciting Stories:

  • Noell went with me to my latest doctor appointment.  She was crying when I went up on the table.  Once we heard the heartbeat on the doppler, she stopped crying to listen, and then she started crying again until I got down.  But it was cute that she stopped for a little bit to listen!

  • Noell has started "reading" her books.  She picks them up, quickly turns to a page, and shoves her face right in the book and moves her head like she is reading the words.  She will then say, "Momma" and point to the words and say something in gibberish like she is reading to darn cute! 

  • We got Noell a Mickey Mouse stuffed animal that talks for Easter and she was scared of him back then.  Well just a couple weeks ago she was finally interested and now they are like best buds!

  • Learned how to fall down on purpose!  Grandpa Todd always says, "BaDaDomp" when she falls down and will sometimes fall down on purpose to make her laugh after she falls down and is sad.  So, Noell started doing it on purpose because she thinks it is funny!

  • Our peanut loves to sing and dance to "If You're Happy and You Know It" and will have momma sing while she does the actions.  We sang/danced in Target the other day for about 10minutes!!

  • When Noell walks on the balance beam at gymnastics or our wood balance beam we made her at home she will say, "Tip toe, tip toe" all the way across.

  • Noell stacked 11 little letter blocks all by herself!

  • If potty training meant "going poop in the tub" then Noell has got it down!  She never used to do that until we started talking about the potty and she was getting interested....I think she is a little confused. lol.  Anyway, I was going to start, but now I am going to wait a little longer as she doesn't like to sit on the potty, so I am waiting because I don't want it to be a bad experience for her.

  • She enjoyed the fireworks again this year!  We went to Blair fireworks on the 3rd and watched Dad, Grandpa Todd, and Butch Halama shoot off the Mondovi fireworks on the 4th.  We also got to enjoy playing on our new back deck!!

  • Noell loved going to the Northern Wisconsin State Fair.  She really like the chickens, horses, and cows (from a distance).  She was a little scared of the pigs still.  She fed goats and LOVED it.  She also enjoyed going down the big slide and was mad when we couldn't go anymore!  Noell was not a fan of the carousel (see her worried look below and that was just sitting on the bench).

  • Noell enjoyed her first time at the beach this summer at Lake Wazee in Black River Falls.  She especially enjoyed playing in the sand...I guess we will have to get a sandbox!  In the picture with momma, she came over and said "cheese"....maybe I will get her to like taking pictures after all!

  • Noell loves to paint and enjoyed painting on a rainy Friday!

Baby G2 is continuing to grow and move!  I have not only been feeling our little one move, but I have been able to watch him or her for the last few weeks as he/she punches, kicks, and rolls around!  I just love that feeling!  I also felt the little hiccups for the first time a few days ago as well :)

I have been feeling like I am a LOT bigger this pregnancy.  I only gained 25 pounds total with Noell and I have already gained 20 pounds with this baby.  Granted I started 10 pounds lighter with this pregnancy.  I have been working out.  I bought a pregnancy workout video with Summer Sanders.  It has a different workout for each trimester and works a lot on legs, arms, butt, and a little tummy to build the core!  I try and do it every other day and then Noell, Katie, and I get out for a walk almost every day!  Now, I just need to eat a little better!  With working out/walking, I have been drinking more water!!

I had my first baby dream last night (25 weeks) that Baby G2 is a boy.  In my dream I had him 5 weeks early but he was very healthy and he had a lot of blonde hair!!!  In the dream we were deciding through three names.  We ruled out one because he didn't look like that name but couldn't decide between the other two.  The crazy thing is, is the two names in the dream are our two top names right now...I wish I would have made the decision in my dream!!!  Right before we found out what Noell is, I had three dreams I was having a will be interesting to see if I have any more dreams and if they are boy/girl!

Some growth updates about G2 over the past few weeks:

22 Weeks- Baby is about 11 inches and almost 1 pound.  Baby's lips and eyelids are more distinct and he/she is developing tiny little tooth buds.  The lanugo is covering the baby's wrinkly skin.  The pancreas is developing steadily.

23 Weeks- Baby can feel momma dance...or workout in my case!  Baby is now just over a pound.  He/she can hear loud noises.  The blood vessels are developing in the lungs.

24 Weeks- G2 is 1 1/3 pounds and is a FOOT LONG!  Taste buds are developing.  The lungs are developing the "branches" of the "respiratory tree."

25 Weeks- Head to heels Baby G2 is 13 1/2 inches long and 1 1/2 pounds...the size of a rutabaga.  He/she is exchanging the lean look for some baby fat...grow baby grow!!  The baby is also starting to grow hair....I wonder if it will be a lot like Noell had?!?!

We had a doctor's appointment this past Thursday.  I am measuring at 24 weeks (which at the appointment I was 24 weeks 6 days).  The heartbeat was approximately 150 bpm.

Also, tonight (July 12) there is the supermoon!  I just had to catch a photo!!!