Monday, November 25, 2013

Noell is ONE!

Well, it is the eve of Noell's first birthday.  For the majority of the day today, I kept thinking about what was happening at this time last contractions started at 10am in church.  I was at a movie with the family in complete denial that it was baby time.  My water broke at 6:15pm right before the Packers started playing Sunday night football.  At 9:30pm Mike got home from work and we left for the hospital.  And so on and so on.  It is really hard to believe how wonderful our lives changed at 6:38am on November 26.  Each day with our little Noell is a true blessing.  It is just amazing how she has changed in the last year, and how she will continue to change.

Over the last month or so, Noell has learned and done some many new things...

  1. Will clap her hands when you sing patty cake.
  2. Says "get down" a lot!!!  (we think she picked it up from hearing us say it to our dog, Katie.
  3. She is OBSESSED with lights and pointing at every light she sees.  So, Christmas should be extremely fun this year!
  4. When she is not with Momma, she prefers to drink breastmilk from a sippy cup...hopefully will make the transition to regular milk at the end of this week easier!
  5. In addition to saying ball (ba), book (bo), mo, Noell says Dad when she sees her dad and occasionally says love.
  6. Our little peanut is still NOT interested in walking!  I guess it might be a while...little stinker!

As for momma....I'm full of mixed emotions.  I love watching our little girl grown and learn, but I am very sad that time is going so quickly.  I am excited that I am DONE pumping at work as of today, but I am sad that I am close to being done nursing Noell at night.  It has been great bonding with her, but I am sure we will be able to find other times to snuggle.  I am proud of myself for making it until a year...what an accomplishment!

I will have more updates from Noell's first birthday (in a matter of hours) and her first birthday party.  We are excited to celebrate with family and friends on Saturday!  She also has her doctor appointment on it will be interesting to see how much this little thing weighs!

Have a great Thanksgiving everyone!  Enjoy the time with your families and remember those who cannot be with their families during this holiday season.