Sunday, October 20, 2013

*Fall* in LoVe

Here I am again a month and a half later already.  It is officially fall which I absolutely love.  Fall has always been my favorite season because I love the cool crisp air, sweatshirt and jeans, changing leaves, leaf piles, volleyball, Packer and Badger football, and all the smells that fall brings.

It was a year ago that our house renovations were mostly complete and Mike and I finally got to move in to our home sweet home.  It was also a year ago that we had our baby shower where we found out we were having a little girl.  My heart and mind were so full of emotions awaiting the arrival of that sweet baby.  I keep thinking of what I was doing last year...preparing the nursery, reading books, doing my hypnobabies, spending hours alone while Mike was in school and working, and just waiting, waiting, waiting until I went into labor!  I cannot believe how amazing our miracle is.  Each day she surprises with something new that she learned, makes us smile and laugh at  her silliness,  and fills our hearts with love as we watch her grow.  I can't imagine my life without her.  Its funny to look back at life without a child and wonder how I thought I was so busy back then...and what did I do with all of my free time?  Haha...I'm sure after we have two kids, I will wonder what I did with all of my free time only having one child!

Noell is now 10 1/2 months old....only two months away from the big birthday!  Noell continues to crawl all over the place.  We try to get her walking while holding her hands or with the walking toys but she has NO interest at all.  She will plop down on her butt and crawl instead.  I'm not worried...its just funny that she was so quick to roll and crawl and now with walking its like, whatever...I'll do it when I feel like it :)
10 Month Picture from 9/26/13

She loves playing peek-a-boo, and will even lift the blankets up to cover her own face while we play!

She signed "more" while eating breakfast one day (the real way)...and then was a little lazy with it for a couple weeks and now has been signing more and saying "mo" when eating.

Noell is a lover.  She loves to blow kisses and give kisses.  I can ask her for a kiss and she will give me one...what can I say...I'm in love with my daughter...she is the best!

Noell still loves books and reading and will pick up a book in the middle of the floor instead of a toy...melts my heart (daughter of a teacher...what can I say)!  She loves reading to us....she talks and talks and talks!
Daddy and Noell reading!

Noell is up to six teeth; four on the top and two on the bottom!  One night a few weeks ago she was crying off and on starting at 2:30am and finally at 4:30 am she was screaming.  So we got her up and gave her some Tylenol, and then I nursed her.  While nursing her she will still I thought maybe she had a tummy ache.  She eventually stopped and so we put her back to bed and she fell asleep!  When we got her up the next morning, I notice that another tooth had popped through on the top...I guess that is why she was so upset...poor girl!  Other than that one night...she has done well with getting new teeth!

This past week, Noell has been fighting some sort of bug.  She had a fever for almost a week and then broke out in a rash.  It was the first time that she has ever been sick, so finally after she got the rash, I figured I better bring her in just to make sure that it wasn't anything serious.  Thank goodness that it wasn't and we should expect the rash to clear up on its own over the next few days.
Noell 1 Urgent Care 0...that-a girl :)

A day at Furgeson's Apple Orchard in Eau Claire.  A beautiful day with family, apples, hay ride, and animals!

We had our Godson, Ryder's, second birthday at the Eau Claire Children's Museum yesterday.  Noell had fun playing in the toddler area.  It is also fun to watch her around other children.  Two weeks ago we were at Noell's godmother's baby shower and Noell saw some blocks from across the room, so she crawled by herself over there and was just entertaining herself.  It was hard for this momma to watch and not interact or bring her back over by me.  I had to be reminded to let her explore and be independent!  I am proud of Noell!

Crawling through the log!

Cousins playing together!

Noell waving to me saying, "Mom, I'm okay!"

Miss Independent
Grandmas, and cousins, and scarves, OH MY!

We carved a pumpkin last week for pictures and after we cut the top off I stood Noell up to look inside and she got a little scared and started crying...after a few minutes to watch what Mommy was pulling out she got brave enough to feel the guts and seeds.  Here are a couple pictures from carving and the final product!  Thanks to Carol Hanson for the huge pumpkin that she saved for worked great!

Digging out the guts!

My cute little pumpkin!
The final product of the carved pumpkin!

Well Mike has been busy transitioning into working on furnaces versus air conditioners!  He has been super busy.  Since he has started working at Sampson, he has received many raises.  His last raise was because so many customers have been calling in to tell his boss how well he did or they will send notes in with their bill.  I am so proud of my hubby and how hard he works and how much drive and heart he puts into his job to make his customers happy and WARM!

My volleyball season with my c-team girls came to an end last week.  They had a great season and worked really hard.  I am very proud of how far these girls have come.  I can't wait to coach them again next season...too bad they are stuck with me for a third year in a row ;)  It is going to be crazy to pick Noell up after school everyday and spend a few extra hours with her each night.  Mike did a great job of being a "Stay at home evening dad" over the majority of the fall...he even brought her to some of our games!

Well...hopefully I will post again before Noell's birthday....but it just might be after her birthday and Thanksgiving.  So, until next time stay well and stay blessed.  Enjoy the rest of fall because winter will come all too soon!