Friday, August 2, 2013

Finally...its been a while!

I know it has been a long time since my last post but we've been busy!  Here are two months worth of updates!!!!

MONTH 8--I actually had this typed a while ago but have been waiting to publish it b/c of the information it shares!  So, I decided not to make changes because when I go back and read this someday I want to remember those details!

Well month 6 was a big milestone month and now month 8 has proven to be another big milestone month for Little Miss Noell....where to begin....

I know you have seen this picture before, but can you notice anything new/added???

Two things about this photo:
1.  We put the flag on our kitchen table so it never touched the floor.  Actually Noell did better on the we might have to take the next four like this!

2.  Yes, you read right.  Chad is HOME!  He got home to El Paso a while ago but was waiting to surprise a friend whose wedding he is in.  Please check below to see pictures of Noell finally getting to meet her uncle!

1.  Noell finally got her first toother!  Her bottom left tooth.  The only reason I noticed was because I saw it when I was brushing her gums.  I was hopeful that all her teeth would come in this nice....but I was wrong immediately.  Just a couple days ago, when I was nursing Noell she was done and put her head back and had a huge smile and there it was another tooth...this was her top left tooth.  So as of now she has two teeth....both her top/middle left and bottom/middle left right on top of each other.  I hope she gets at least one more before they grow too big so it doesn't look so silly...ha!

2.  Noell FINALLY crawled on all fours.  She has been so close for a couple months now but never got the courage to actually move.  She was on the blanket up at Lake Wissota to celebrate cousin Brooke's birthday and cousin Jamie was trying to talk with Noell while holding a treat in her hand.  Noell wanted the treat and she was already up on all fours, and then all of a sudden she was moving towards the treat!!!!!  Then when I brought out the camera she stopped, got down on her belly, and did her usual army scoot.  She has done it more and more in the past few days and is mostly choosing to crawl this way!

3.  Noell can get herself to SITTING and STANDING position all by herself.  She is such a strong girl and is very determined to move and figure things out.  Climbing on anything (mommy, daddy, pillows, piles of cloths, blankets, end tables, etc) has really helped her build those muscles to accomplish sitting and standing!  Our next goal will be standing by self with no support!

4.  Noell loves baby food and real food.  She gets two servings of baby food a day (morning and night).  She also will snack off of whatever mom and dad are eating as well.  She loves everything (except she still cannot tolerate dairy)....our little garbage can!

5.  Noell has started waving (technically after she was 8 months but close enough).  It is fun to watch her look at her hand/arm and figure it out.  Such a smarty already!

6.  This isn't a milestone but a thought I had.  I leave the bumbo seat on the bathroom counter because Noell loves to brush her gums/teeth when mommy brushes hers, and its great for her to play while I get ready.  She especially loves giving herself high fives in the cute.  Anyway, I started doing her hair there as much easier.  I got teary-eyed the other day when I was putting her hair in a ponytail and was thinking that someday we will be looking in the same mirror when I am helping her with her hair and make up and telling her how beautiful she is when she is getting ready for prom or a date.  I know that I am jumping way ahead but I am sure that time will be here in a blink of an eye...and that is why I cherish every moment, take a lot of pictures and videos, and write a blog...I want to remember it all :)

7.  Noell is spending her first night alone with just Daddy.  She has spent hours with him before but never a full night.  Momma is going camping with the girls for the night (very much needed) so Daddy and Noell can get some good bonding time in!


We had Noell's 9 month appointment last week and she only gained one pound in three months and is up to 16 pounds which puts her in the 6th percentile for weight.  She is about 26 inches long and is in the 7th percentile.  Her doctor says she is growing just fine and that she is not worried b/c she is a busy baby!!!  Noell didn't have to get shots this time....thank the Lord.  But for her 1 year appointment she gets three shots and possibly four if we have her get the flu shot.  Poor baby.

Well like I mentioned before Noell finally got to meet her Uncle Chad this past weekend when he was home.  We are so proud of him and Erica and all service men and women for their sacrifices!

Her onesie says, "I love a man in uniform."  Thank you Amanda worked perfectly for when they met!

Giving high fives!
Noell with her furry cousins, Yuri and Maya!

Thanks Uncle Chad for the cool gifts!!!

Noell also got to meet her cousin Elissa and her three kiddos, Liam, Ella, and Aidan!

Great- Grandma Mary and her four Great- Grandchildren.... Aiden, Liam, G-G Mary, Noell, Ella

Noell was at Great Grandma and Papa Guse's for a week and by the end of the week she was raising her arms for "so big" and clapping!  She loves to stretch as high as she can when someone asks her how big she is.  She is also getting her wave down.  She loves waving to herself as soon as we walk into the bathroom and she can see herself!
So Big!!!  Sometimes its one arm up and sometimes it two!

My little baby had four teeth until today when another top tooth popped through.  This tooth has given her a little trouble but I still can't complain b/c she is eating and sleeping normal!  She loves to use her new teeth to take bites of is so fun to watch her learn how to use them.  Speaking of biting food....she LOVES to eat anything.  She eats breakfast and supper with mom and dad and whatever we are eating.  She will eat some baby food and some real/finger food at Liza's during the day.  Her nursing has gone down a lot...she is only drinking 3oz bottles....and sometimes will only drink makes momma sad knowing that this stage is almost over.  Although, I will NOT miss having to pump when I'm away from my baby.

Noell is all over the place with her crawling and standing.  She stood today with no support for 2 seconds....I know thats not a lot but its a start and everyone has to start somewhere!  I cannot believe that in within a few months I will have a walker and a toddler....WOW!
Noell and I finished our second 5K together!  Noell of course fell asleep again!

Noell, Daddy, and Katie love to play together...blankets make sweet tents and are fun to play Peek-a-boo!!!!1

Kelly & Mike

Well, school is back in full swing and my kiddos have me on my toes.  It is definitely going to be a fun, interesting, challenging, exciting school year....but what year isn't!  I just love working with young kids...they have so much energy and are so eager to learn!

I am definitely keeping busy this fall with also coaching c-team volleyball and taking grad classes.  I started grad classes my first year out of college as it was a requirement for my first teaching job and thats when I got my 4th-6th grade certification.  I continued to take some classes while I taught a year in Wittenberg.  I only have four years left to complete my masters so I am just taking one class this semester and hopefully two classes in the spring....if I continue this cycle I will hopefully finish in three years!

Mike is enjoying work!  He has definitely been busy during these hot summer days working on people's air conditioners, but that will quickly turn to working on furnaces....we all know how Wisconsin weather can be!

Mike has been the one picking Noell up from Liza's since I have volleyball.  He loves getting to spend time with his little "pumpkin."  He is excited to take her to the gym to watch mommy coach volleyball.

Sorry for such a long post but you chose to read it ;)  Haha.  Have a great weekend!


cfddxfghggyiguguy...... Noell says, "Good Bye"