Monday, July 15, 2013

Sweet Summertime

Well the summer is going super usual.  The forth of July has already come and gone, and now we are in the final weeks before school starts.  It is definitely hard to believe since the weather didn't start to get nice until the middle/end of June.  Although it is going fast, I am enjoying my time with my little princess, husband, family and friends.

We enjoyed our first family vacation in Bayfield, Wisconsin for Mike's cousin's wedding (Kirk and Alex).  Noell stayed in her first hotel.  The first night she got to sleep in the same bed as mommy (I think it was a treat for both of us).  The second night she stayed in her pack-n-play in Grandma Rachel and Grandpa Todd's room so mom and dad could enjoy the reception and dance!  Noell also went swimming for the first time in the hotel pool.  It was a beautiful wedding and amazing weather for all of the festivities.

Noell swimming at the hotel with daddy.
Noell swimming with mommy.

Family picture by Lake Superior in Bayfield, Wi.

Giving some love to cousin Ryder.

Noell saw her first fireworks on the 4th.  My dad shoots off fireworks in Knapp and Mike has helped the past two years.  So Noell supervised them as they were setting up and then attempted to watch them.  We were sitting closer since Mike and my dad were shooting she just watched them shoot out of the tube, but didn't follow or look at them in the sky.  For the lower ones she usually closed her eyes because they were bright.  She was very relaxed laying in my lap....wasn't scared but wasn't in awe.  Maybe next year and if we sit a little further away it will be a more exciting experience!
Noell supervising dad and grandpa!
Happy Independence Day!

We have made it out to Lake Wazee in Black River Falls a couple times, and we made it out on the pontoon over the 4th on Lake Wassota.  Noell LOVES the water and the sand.  She likes to lay and sit and pick up the sand with her hands as well as kicking and splashing in the water.  Here are just a couple pictures of the fun we have!

Lake Wazee

Lake Wazee

Noell and Eva!  Cousins and BFF's!

Swimming fun with family!

Noell's first pontoon ride with the Michel's family!

We attended another wedding this past weekend in the cities celebrating Shelly and Ben.  Noell stayed with Grandma and Grandpa again so mom and dad could enjoy the festivities alone/with other adults.  It was great catching up with my best friends and their husbands.  Since both the bride and groom are teachers they had a teacher theme.  Some of the centerpieces were clear vases with apples, they had pencils as the wedding favors, and sweet glasses and flashcards for some funny pictures and great memories.  I also got to hold my friend's two month old, Cooper, and he is such a handsome little guy.  He is about the same size that Noell was at two months and it is so crazy that she used to be that small...time just goes by too fast.  I also chatted a lot with Cooper's mommy, Jess.  Sometimes, it is so nice to talk with other new moms since babies are your whole can relate to each other and ask questions!!!
Me and the hubby!

We are soooo smart!!!  haha

Noell is still just army crawling all over the place, but wow she can move fast.  She continues to get up on her hands and knees and has moved a very small amount, but prefers to scoot around.  I think she might skip regular crawling since she still hasn't "figured" it out because she gets up on her hands and feet and really tries to push off.  I am fine with whatever our little girl tries to least she is mobile and can get to where she wants to go and can get a toy or object that she is interested in!  While on her hands and knees Noell has just learned how to get herself into a sitting position all by herself.  I set her down on her tummy and the next time I looked she was sitting...I was confused at first...haha.  Since the first time she has done it a couple more times.  She has also learned how to balance.  She will be on her hands and knees and pick up an object or reach for something with her opposite hand...and she doesn't tip over!  She also loves to crawl through, under, and now climbs on top of things (couch cushions, mom, dad, pillows, clothes that mom folded, small stairs, and more).  She has even started to attempt to climb up the side of her I guess it is almost time to lower her crib!  I made a tunnel for her to crawl through with chairs and blankets....she loved it!

Tunnel fun!

Another fun milestone for us at the Giedd house is that Noell is starting to give kisses.  It is the best.  She will pull our faces in and give us an open mouthed, slobbery kiss.  She has also started giving herself kisses in her little mirror sweet.

Noell getting ready to give herself a big smooch!

Noell LOVES her swing and will usually only nap in there for Mike and I.  For anyone else, she will nap in the pack-n-play or crib.  So, I was thinking to myself the other day, what will I do when she is too big to fit in that??  So, last week I started having her attempt to take one nap in her crib and it worked for the three days that I tried it...hopefully it continues!!!  I will add that she has always done fine sleeping through the night in her crib so it is funny that she won't nap in there!
So sweet!

Well I think that is about it for now.  I am sure we will have more updates soon with Mike's birthday, our 2nd anniversary, and Noell's 8th month birthday coming up!  As for now I will leave you with a fun fact...haha

1.  Only 5% of Americans wash their hands correctly.  (You are supposed to wash your hands for 30seconds in order for this to count).  I know I teach my students to sing their ABC's while washing their hands to make sure they are doing it long enough, but I know most of the time I don't do it for 30seconds.  So, lately I have been making sure I wash my hands correctly and I encourage you all to try!