Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A few things...

Where to start...

Fitness and Health

My workouts are still going strong.  I am still working out 1-2 times per day....and these are tough workouts!!!  I just realized after looking at one of my Jillian Michaels DVDs, that you get 4 free weeks of her online program.  You get a meal plan, fitness plan, log calories eaten and calories burned off, you can chat with others, get receipes, read articles (which I love doing...I have learned so much from reading).  I just love it.  After 4 weeks, you can make a small monthy payment.  I would definitely reccommend it :)


Work is going well again this week...the students are getting back into their routine and so some are taking the advantage and being little stinkers.  But, what can I say, they are only 4 years old.  One thing that I thought was super cute, was when I was reorganizing yesterday after all the kiddos left, I foud dramatic play looking like this...they sure had a fun tea-party I would say!

                                       They had all the dolls with their own cup sitting by the fireplace!

Wedding Planning

Its going well.  I have all of the "big stuff" done:
Reception hall...check.
Wedding dress...check.
Tuxes picked out...check.
Bridesmaids dresses picked out...check.
DJ booked...check.
Photographer booked...check.
Musicans booked...check.
Centerpieces decided...check.
Cupcake/Cake maker...check.
Guest Favors...check.
Wedding bands...check.

Now...I just need to figure out accent colors.  My main color is guava (a coral color) do I have a lime colored green or an aqua colored blue as the main accent color???  To hard of decision for me to make apparently!

Next on list...Mom's dresses.  Flowers.  Misc decorations.

I am always open for ideas :)